
24 3 1

“Help!”, “Priestess, Help us!” Blood splattered everywhere

I can’t…

“Please spare me!” My people slaughtered by demons. “Help, Priestess!”

No…I can’t

Someone save us!”

to save them, is a duty

but a heart is hanging loose.

Must I,

but just can’t.

Frozen, Thy will

 I ache

Never did it end

Thy sorrow

a life of miseries

to live, is it?

A Tragedy

 Awaits death

Is it an ending;

or just a sorrowful beginning?

I am lost

Was this always the start?

Paralyzed with fear, I hid inside the temple, “Priestess, save us!”

I’m sorry…

I’m scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2013 ⏰

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