Part 28

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   "Okay guys! Plan A will now begin."  I say loudly. We were all gathered in the living room sitting down. "It's been too long, and we can't allow the underworld monsters to take over the entire world. We'll start to take back everything they took from us."

    "Yes ma'am." Obee says with a nod. "YAY FIGHT!"

  "Are we really doing this?" Keith asks with a groan. He glances at Von. Von shrugs as Ella sits on his laps.

  "We won't get anywhere with our numbers." Jace says. "We need more people."

  "Which is why we'll find more people." I say with a smile. "It shouldn't be too hard."

  "Kyra, i don't think you understand." Keith says to me. Keith was now as tall as me or taller. He was not cute anymore, just hot, but of course, i still saw him as the little kitty fighting me. "We haven't been outside for the longest time and we have no idea how it looks anymore. We live inside this house with curtains closed, lights off, blinds folded, and in silence. We know nothing about the outside right now."

   "We've been outside Keith, just not a lot." I snap at him. It was true, we occasionally go out for food, fresh air, and for anything else we might need. We never came across anything dangerous.

  "Kyra, you're so oblivious." Keith says. "You have no idea how dangerous it is out there! You could get crushed."

  "Is this your way of telling me i'm like sort of weak???" I ask. Everyone stays quiet for a few seconds until i sigh. "Well, at least i'm trying to make things better unlike you. You just don't care about humans."

  "I never said i didn't." Keith says back at me. "You're just being sensitive right now Kyra just because i'm saying that you don't know what's going on out there. Are you on your period or what? Chill."

  "What?" I raise an eyebrow at him as Von kicks him in the shin hard. I feel my blood boiling, teeth biting my inner lip in anger, my vampire teeth coming out in reaction, and then I feel my eyes turning. "Keith, are you picking a fight with me?"

  "No, but i will if you aren't careful." He growls. We glare at each other for a moment. Dead silence came over everyone.


Scary. To me, Kyra was the scariest person in the world. She was kind to me. A little too kind. Her smile was like little sparkles that were in the princess' crown, but when she was angry like she was now, she scared me. I smelt the blood coming from her mouth, felt heat coming off her body, her eyes stared intently at Keith with anger like a wild animal, her presence took up the entire room, her presence shuddered Keith out, oozed with blood lust, and she looked ready to fight Keith. Jace just sat there watching her. He didn't seem scared, but he didn't seem like he was not scared at the same time. He just silently watched in maybe amusement. I tightened my grip on Von's shirt as he also stiffened. Obee sat next to me, holding my hand. Keith's eyes wavered and glanced at Von who shook her head slightly.

   "Okay, that's enough for today." Jace says while clapping his hands. He grabs Kyra's hand and pats Keith's shoulder while leaving the living room. I hop off of Von's lap and follow Jace who takes her upstairs. They shut the door and lock it.

  "What were you thinking?" I hear Jace's voice. I sit in front of the door, listening to every word. "You think i wouldn't be able to smell the blood in your mouth?"

   "I'm sorry, but he started it." She snaps. Jace takes a loud sigh. "I believe we could change things."

  "Yeah, but you should accept his opinions first, and talk it out. Same goes for him too." Jace says. "Let me see your mouth."

  "No, weido." 

  "Come on, i'm not going to do anything weird. Promise."

  "Yeah right, go away Jace."

  "Just let me see." He says.

  "Jace i'm going to kick you if you get any closer." Kyra says, and then i hear a groan. The door opens and i see Kyra looking down at me.

  "Kyra..." I mumble under my breath. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah." She smiles. "Sorry about that."

  She picks me up and groans. "Oh you're becoming such a big baby!" She chuckles. Over her shoulder, i see Jace lying on the bed, holding his shin with imaginary tears flowing out of his eyes. I smile and dig my head into her neck. She smelt good like...blood. I cringed at myself and felt scared. Why was i thinking like this? I didn't like it. It was always like this, i was a monster. I tightly clung to her neck and nibbled on her shirt. "Where do you want to go Ella? I'll take you anywhere today. I feel bad."

  "Hmm, alright then." I smile and think. "The carnival?"

  "I'm not sure if it's open or working but yeah, i'll take you." She says and off we went without anyone knowing where we went. Just me and her. 

        KYRA'S POV

   The carnival. We snuck into the half torn carnival and climbed the high ferris wheels all the way to the top where a broken seat hung. Ella clung to me while we watched as a few monsters roamed the area.

  "So many." Ella said quietly. "Are you going to fix everything?"

  I look at her with a smile. "Hopefully....?" I shrug and pet her head that makes her ears twitch. She smiles and hugs me. 

  "When i grow up, i'll make a huge kingdom where you and Obee can live peacefully." She says to me with a cute blush. 

  "What about Jace?! And Von!" I say with a frown. "Oh and Keith of course."

  "Uhhh yeah sure of course!" Ella says with a giggle. "If you want, i'll give you anything Kyra! I'll even give you the whole world!"

   "That's a big dream of yours little girl." I say. "I hope you fulfill your dream."

  "You want it to really happen?" She asks as she plays with my hair.

  "Yeah, of course. I would be the happiest person in the world!" I say and laugh. "Sometimes, i even think to myself 'just me. No one else on the earth. Just only me. And i'll be happy.' "

  "You want to be by yourself?" She asks. 

  "Yeah, sometimes i feel like being alone and thinking by myself. Being alone makes me feel relaxed sometimes." I say back to her as she thinks hard. She smiles to herself, making her eyes go wide with happiness. 

  "That's it!" She claps her hands. "If i gave you your alone time, would you like me even more?! Yes yes yes!???"

  "I guess, but you better not be leaving my side right now." I say. "Or i'll have to chase you."

 "You don't want me to leave you?" She asks. I shake my head and squeeze her cheeks that were cold.  "I won't then."

  "Thank you little miss." I say as we just continue to watch below us.

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