Part 11

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  "KIWAAAAAAAA" Obee whined and cried into my pillow while Ella shred my blanket covers and Keith kept talking to himself about to possibilities of a UFO taking Kyra away. It was dinner and she was no where to be seen. No one had seen her the entire day only in the morning when she went out and never came back.

  I felt my heart racing with fear. What would happen to her if those human caught her? Is she hurt right now? She's fine right? Is she cold? Or not right now? They better not lay a single finger on her or i'm going to murder them all. I shake my head and stand up.

  "You three stay here." I say. "Don't do anything until i come back okay?"

  "Where are you going?" Keith asks.

  "I'm going to get Kyra back." I say. "And you're not coming with me. You three will stay here and be good. I'll bring back Kyra so have expectations."

  "Kiwaaaaa." Ella wails and i pat her soft hair and pet her ears. She looks up at me while wiping her face. "PWEASE BWING KIWA BACK."

  "Of course." I smile. "Now, you two boys have to protect Ella until i come back okay?"

  "O-okay." Obee nods his head with determination. I smile and run out the room. I jog downstairs to the weapon room as the butler bows slightly at me. I grab some weapons i need and look at the butler.

  "Notify the other servants of the mansion, low ranked or high, every servant under me, working in this mansion, is to protect Ella, Keith, and Obee. If i'm back, and something happens to them, I won't be forgiving to let anyone....ANYONE off with just their heads off." I glare at him as he nods quickly and retreats to tell the others. I run out of the mansion and head to where they saw Kyra headed. Up ahead was many human tents. I blinked a few times, masked the color of my red eyes, and changed them to a light brown. Humans...great. I snuck into the camp and sat down on one of the chairs.

  "Say, where do all the prisoners go?" I ask as they all shift their attention to me. "Especially the vampires. I hear they have beautiful eyes. Would catch a high price."

  "I hear you man!" One man chuckles and slaps my shoulder. "They're in that tent over there but there is only one vampire in there. She's a real beauty."

  "Oh really?" I force myself to smile and laugh as i slap his hand away from my shoulder secretly. "Thanks."

   "You gonna go see her?" He asks and winks at me. "Let me join you then."

  "Lead the way." I say quietly as i follow him into the dark tent with only one torch. The torch had a flame that was floating what the hell. 

  "There she is. We're going to screw her over before selling her eyes." He chuckle as my eyes fall on Kyra. Her clothes? Shred into small coverings, her eyes were murderous and red, her hair was all down and covered her shoulders to her waist barely. "But we plan on doing that tonight. Want to join us? All your pleasures might be fulfilled by this beauty."

  "Bast*rd." I felt rage over come me. I couldn't think straight except to kill this man next to me. I grabbed the dagger out of my belt on my leg and grabbed his body to point the neck to his neck tightly. 

  "H-hey, what're you doing?" He asks quietly almost softer than a whisper. "A-alright, i'll make a deal with the others. You can have a go at her first."

  "Go to hell." I growled at him and knocked him out. He fell on the ground weakly. I wanted to crush him, step on him, break him, and murder him for saying those things and even thinking them.

  "J-Jace?" I heard Kyra whisper. I heard chains move as she looked up. I crouched down to her and saw almost her entire chest. I felt taken back as i averted my eyes and took a gulp. I couldn't think like this. I shook my head and looked at her arms. She was tied in rope as a chain connecting to the rope. I cut the rope free with my dagger as she fell into my arms weakly.

  "Stay quiet for a while." I whisper as i crawl out of the hole while holding her difficulty. I carried her properly all the way around the tents but as i was about to leave the last tent, someone caught me. 

  "Hey, come back!" They yelled. I hid Kyra behind the tent and went towards them. Well, at least i get the chance to crush them. I smiled and stretched my arms.

  "It's been a while...since i drank dirty human blood."

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