Suddenly, the doors swing open and I quickly jerk myself up into an upright position, still on my knees but with my back straight and arms at my side. I hear Cynthia chuckle and she gently grabs my hair and tugs me back down to where I was. I flinch a bit from the tug but return to my position. 

A tall, dark figure appears in the doorway and slowly makes it's way inside.  As the figure makes its way into the light, it's very obviously a man. He's tall, not freakishly tall, but definitely taller than Sienna... So probably about 7 feet tall? Most of his height is very obviously in his legs... He's dressed fairly nicely, wearing a black suit with a dark red shirt underneath and a black tie, his jet black hair covered nicely with a tall black top hat. With a flick of his wrist, a swirl of shadows lifts from the ground and into his hand, a long black cane with a ruby setting on the top appearing from nowhere. He twirls it around in his fingers for a moment before approaching, his free hand reaching up to grasp at the brim of his hat and bringing it down, bowing. 

"Good Afternoon, ladies..." Afternoon? It's fucking dark outside... Must be cloudy. "I hope you all are doing well." He stands up straight and places his hat back on his head and walks toward us dramatically. Cynthia continues to play with my hair, soothing me gently. I lean back into it and he looks over to me, giving me a playful wink before making his way over to Anjennica. I look over at her and see her looking up in excitement. "Hello, Annie. It's good to see you again." He gently takes her hand and kisses her knuckles slightly and she squeals, giggling girlishly. I bite my lip and keep myself from laughing at her as the two of them begin having a back and forth conversation, though I'm not really paying much attention to what's being said, as much as how she's saying it. He nods to her and places his hand on her head as he looks up to Karin "And how are you today, Karin?"

"I am very well, thank you, Sir." She bows with a smile and tips her head down before standing back up and clasping her hands in front of her. He gives her a nod and moves down the line, looking over Tabitha, striking up another casual conversation with her before looking up to Sienna, who obviously forces a smile as she speaks to him. He seems aware of it, but leaves it be. As he starts making his way over, I quickly downturn my head toward the floor but look up at him through my bangs. He gives me a gentle smile and kneels in the floor in front of me. He gently cups my chin in his hand and guides my face up so I'm looking him straight in the eye. He slowly tips my head from side to side and Cynthia continues to run her fingers through my hair to relax me. After he gives me a quick look over he stands up with a devilish grin 

"My, my. How adorably shy." He looks up to Cynthia. "How long have you had her for, Cynthia?"

"About a month, Sir." she replies, her hand removing itself from my hair causing me to whimper slightly from the lack of touch. Ramos looks down at me with wide eyes and a cheshire grin, before bursting into laughter as he places a hand on my head. 

"She's certainly grown attached to you" He says, smirking. I grimace slightly. "And here you said she was a troublemaker." I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head back to look up at her and she simply glares back at me and forces my head forward again.

"She still has an attitude issue, as you can see. I'm not fooled by her well-behavior. She's just afraid of being punished." she goes back to brushing my hair with her hand and I growl slightly. I feel a sharp smack to the back of my head and grumble under my breath. "She's been nothing but trouble since she came here. So I have to keep my eyes on her. If I don't, she may try an escape again."

"An escape? You never mentioned such a thing to me." He kneels back down in front of me and looks me in the eye with a piercing glare. "I see... So that's how it is..." I look at him with confusion and he stands back up, placing his hat back upon his head. "I agree. She requires constant supervision. I would suggest against leaving her alone... I can't quite put my finger on it but there's something about her."

"You realize I'm right here, right?" I glare up at him from under my bangs again, more out of anger than shyness as originally. I feel a sharp tug to my hair as she pulls my head back.

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