[13] pt.2: Curiosity Kills Even the Best of People

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I roll my eyes. "Thanks for that."

We make our way to Mace's house as quietly as possible and try to sneak through his front door but find it locked. "What now?" I whisper.

"Let's try the side gate." Zeke replies and tip toes around the side of the house. "Nope, it's locked too. We'll have to climb over."

My eyes widen. "I'm not climbing over, I'm wearing a skirt!"

"I don't mind." He grins and climbs up a couple of steps on one side of the gate like its a piece of cake. Oh my god... Cake... I really want cake right now. That would so boost my energy levels. Or maybe I need caffeine?

"Come on!" I hear from an annoyed but slightly amused Zeke.

"Okay okay." I hoist myself up to his level and he positions himself to give me a foot up. "Now if you do anything dirty-" I warn.

"I won't, don't worry. I've had the chance all evening as I have been sitting next to you, but I reigned myself in."

He actually had to try to?



I greedily balance my weight onto his hands and jump over the gate, somehow managing not to flash my underwear to the cocky, immature jerk behind me. He then starts climbing over too, but when he is nearly over, I can see his shoe right in front of my face.

God I want to prod his foot right now. It's just so close... And it would be so funny.... You know what? I don't even care. What's the worst that could happen?

I lean over and start viciously prodding his foot, causing Zeke to squirm and jump about. My laughing is uncontrollable, my hand over my stomach.

"Ow, stop it!" Zeke shouts angrily but before it's too late I get knocked to the ground by a huge lump, my laughter hitching in my throat.

I open my eyelids to go crosseyed at a sharp nose. My eyes make their way up to some frozen eyes.

I am staring straight at Zeke.

He is on top of me.

His body is pinning mine to the floor.

He's actually quite heavy– must be all the muscle.

Did you know he has abs? I saw them when he was diving.


I can't move.


He stares at me for a second before I open my mouth. "You know, that actually quite hurt."

His face is now millimetres away from mine and he rubs his nose against mine as he speaks. "It was worth it though." I blush and shift uncomfortably, but he stays firmly on top of me. "I knew we were going to fall head over heels for each other eventually, but I didn't think it would happen literally." Zeke chimes, amused.

I roll my eyes. "In your dreams. Now get off me, I'm sure this could be classed as abuse or something."

"But I'm not hurting you." He says innocently.

"Oh really? Because a hundred tonnes of teenage boy could never hurt anyone. Actually I think that I would go unconscious from the smell before I could get squished. Now get off."

I love HER ✔️ (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt