| Jacob Sartorius |

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***Solei's POV**

***6:30 am***

Does he hate me? Are we still friends? Does he love me? Is Marlei a thing? Is it all over? Do I love him? I lay in bed thinking. Should I just text him? I asked myself. I decided to text him.

       ***Solei's Text***

Me: Hey Mark.

Boo👅💦❤: Hey Lei.

Me: I'm just gonna be straight up with you, What happened with us last night?

Boo👅💦❤: We kissed...

Me: Did it mean anything to you?

Boo👅💦❤: It meant everything to me, Lei, Meet me at the park in an hour, I know it's early but I can't stop thinking about you. ❤

***Solei's POV***

With that, I got out of bed and got dressed 👇❤

With that, I got out of bed and got dressed 👇❤

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I grabbed my phone and left my room. I walked downstairs like a zombie. I looked out the window. It was foggy and the sun was still setting. I thought to myself and slightly smiled. My mom was asleep, so I had to be quite while leaving. I walked out the door. I started towards the park and saw Mark standing with a flower bouquet in his hand. I smiled wide and ran towards him. "Baby girl!" Mark said lifting me into his arms. He spun me around and I laughed. Mark handed me the flowers. "They're so pretty." I told him and smiled. Mark grabbed my hand and we walked towards Starbucks.

***At Starbucks***

Mark and I walked into Starbucks. I let go of his hand and went to sit at a booth. Mark ordered our food and stood by the counter waiting. My phone buzzed.

Jacob Sartorius: Is this the girl from class?

Me: Yes.

Jacob Sartorius: Oh, hey! Wyd?

Me: I'm at Starbucks with Mark.

Jacob Sartorius: Mark Thomas?

Me: Yep. You know him?

Jacob Sartorius: He's my best friend. 😂😂

Me: Really, that's cool! I mean, I guess hes my kinda boyfriend/best friend?

Jacob Sartorius: Ohhhh your that girl hes been talking about!

Me: I guess 😂😂

***Solei's POV***

Mark interrupted "Who ya talking to?" Mark seemed annoyed. I slid my phone in my pocket and looked down. "Nobody." I said. He sat down handing me my food. "Listen Solei..." Mark said trailing off. "I like you so much. And uh, Solei, will y-" Mark said being interrupted by my phone vibrating. I took my phone out of my pocket.

Jacob Sartorius: You there?

Me: Eating with Mark.

***Solei's POV***

"I'm sorry." I laughed. "Carry on.". "Will you go out with me." Said a nervous Mark. I bit my lip. "Of course I'll go out with you Mark." I answered. Mark smiled and got up. He came towards me and kissed me.

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