| The truth |

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***Solei's POV***

After a good 10 minutes more of sleep, I decided to finally get up and get dressed. 👇

My mom and I got in the car to go get me signed up for school

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My mom and I got in the car to go get me signed up for school.


We arrive at school, and my mom tells the lady at the desk all of my information. I get bored and start texting Mark on my phone

***Solei's text***

ME: Hey ugly ❤

ME: Mark?

ME: Did I do something?

Boo👅💦❤:Hey Solei, sorry I just got home and I didn't have wifi 😂

ME: From where?

Boo👅💦❤: My girlfriend's house.

ME: Girlfriend?

Boo👅💦❤: Yup.

  Solei💋❤💦 has left the chat.

***Back to reality*** I sat in the chair and I began to feel jealous. I was so mad. I really liked him and he never even bothered to tell me he was taken. I really just want to cry.

"Solei" My mom called. "It's time to go." I got out of my chair and walked out the door. As I was walking, some maniac was running and tripped me. He had brown hair up in a quiff and hazel eyes. "Hey watch it jerk!" I shouted at him. He ran back and helped me up. "I'm sorry." He said and began to run again. I continued to walk and got in the car with my mom.

***Mark's POV***

I am so damn bored. I thought to myself. I posted a new picture on snapchat

 I put down my phone and decided to go outside

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I put down my phone and decided to go outside.


I saw Solei outside. She was making weird faces so I knew she was on Snapchat! 😂😂 "Hey Solei!" I shouted at her laughing. She rolled her eyes and went back inside. What the hell?

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