"The punishment for that wolf, not to mention who is already dead is very cruel." She explains frustrated as if I'm a child who can't understand what is 2+2.

"I am cruel." I say, my voice void of any emotions. Emotions that she is trying to provoke. Emotions that aren't there. Her eyes widen as if she didn't expect this. Why? She has always called me a monster. Why is surprised at my confession then?

"Xalvador you ordered to cut off his tail. That's not fair and you know it!" She says, her voice rising. Cutting off the tail was not only merciless but also shameful. It was considered as the most degrading punishment within a werewolf clan. It was basically stripping off a wolf from all its honor.

"I did what I saw fit. The wolf entered my pack land. Injured my wolves and brought a threatening message. That bastard deserved it!" I growl as I recall the past few days and the number of wolves that my pack lost.

"No the wolf didn't deserve it!" She growls and I am surprised to see her like this. "You know the wolf was only following the order of its Alpha. He was loyal and immensely brave. He entered the pack land of the biggest and most dangerous pack just because it was faithful. And as much as I know, after a wolf dies, its the duty of a fellow wolf to bury its body under the river. Because the wolf dies as a warrior. Just like your wolves that day! You can't strip its honor for following the rule of its own Alpha. You aren't this!"

Her word hit me hard as I realize she is right. The wolf does deserve to be buried as per tradition. But she will have to learn this. Learn who I really am. A cruel and heartless monster. And I only care for what is mine. My pack, my wolf, my mate. Anyone tries to harm them and they sign their own death petition.

"Arabella, I already gave my orders. I am your Alpha want it or not. Stop arguing with my rules and judgements." I bark harshly. She is about to say something but doesn't. She didn't contradict or argue as to how she was not from this pack how I wasn't her Alpha. Good.

Suddenly she stares into my eyes. A deep, cut through stare that shakes my soul. Before I can decipher anything, her hands shoots up and she cups my chin, tempting me to mark her and fulfill my sinful desires. As I gaze down at her, her eyes plunge deeper into my soul.

"What are you doing?" I ask and I'm shocked when my voice comes out hoarse. She breathes and then the hand on my cheek moves, her thumb grazing my stubble.

"Searching for answers to my questions." She whispers as if a trance, her eyes still locked with mine. Her answer has me trembling on the inside as I finally register her words.

"And did you find anything?" I ask, taking every small feature of her face.

"Yes," She whispers. "you are hurt."

My whole form stiffens as she speaks the words and I control myself from pulling her to me and put an end to my agony. She read past my wall. She read what I kept buried inside the deepest corners of me. I am at loss of words and reaction, when she continues.

"You aren't heartless. You are just hurt...more than you show." She says timidly, now cupping my face with both hands. Her eyes are full of emotions, concern standing out the most. I stay silent, waiting for her to continue. This is the most affectionate and intimate moment I'm sharing with her and I don't want to ruin it.

"You are hurt Xalvador, but that doesn't mean you hurt other people. Especially when you don't really want to. Pain doesn't drive away pain." She says softly and I have to literally stop myself from agreeing.

"I am heartless and pain does drive me. This is who I am Arabella. The last few days was a facade I put on. Get used to this now." I say rudely and she flinches slightly. My heart tears apart when I see hurt flash through her beautiful eyes but still don't show any emotion. I don't want to hurt her but I can't give her hopes either. Hopes will give her power. The power which will make her think that she can change me. Fix me. But it can't. And I don't want to. I walk away, leaving her standing there speechless at my harshness.

The Werewolf Clash (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now