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Jc has been working this whole entire week and somehow he managed to get some time off and to tell you the truth , I'm pretty happy about it. He never has time for me anymore and well, since I don't have a job , I'm always home and that gets tiring as hell. I put all of the stress on my husband and that isn't right at all . Jc gets aggravated with me and I don't blame him for it , but he still needs to explain his reasons for not touching me or showing me any affection.

I was downstairs in the kitchen making him breakfast , which turns out to go down the drain , because he's always rushing out the door , but maybe it'll be different because he's off today.

"Kian , where is my phone?" he came down the stairs without a shirt on.

Why does he do this to me? We haven't had sex for two months
and I don't know the reason behind that , but he comes down here like that and he expects me not to touch him or get turned on? That's not fair at all.

"I - I um, its on the charger." I pointed towards it , without trying to look at him.

I turned off the stove and finally worked up the courage to turn around and look at him.

"are you hungry?"

"nope." he scrolled through his phone , smiling at what was on the screen.

I sighed and walked over to him.
When he saw me coming , he quickly shoved the phone in his pocket.

" I gotta go." he moved me out of the way.

"but, you're off today."

" that doesn't mean that I don't have anything else to do." he rolled his eyes and rushed up the stairs.

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