Dean sighed. Him and Sam were about to go out and play FBI agents for the day while you and Lottie laid low at the motel the whole day. "If you feel like we need to go don't hesitate to call me, okay?" Dean said kissing your forehead. "Okay, babe. Now go!" You said sending him rushing out the door.

The rest of your morning when without no delay and no sharp pains which was a good sign that it was nothing after all. You must have spoke too soon. You were sitting up at the little table your motel had with Lottie who was happily coloring away.

When you felt a rush of gushing water that you could not control and it felt like you pissed all over yourself. "Lottie could you excuse me for a moment." You said getting up to go to the bathroom. "Okay Mommy." She said looking up for a brief second from her very intriguing color book.

You made sure to bring your cell phone in the bathroom and sure enough your water had broken. You instantly dialed Dean's number. He was not going to believe this. Of course you were happy that your baby was coming but an uneasy feeling that maybe it was a little too early.

Dean and Sam weren't exactly at the police station anymore. They had already made all their stops, now they were now trespassing on a private property trying to break into a safe. Dean feels his phone vibrate in his breast pocket and he takes it out and answers it and says.

"I am trying to crack a safe, be quiet." Dean muttered in the phone. "Dean! I am going into labor! My water broke and and...I don't know what to do and I need you." You said pacing the bathroom back and forth, rubbing your swollen belly. Dean's eyes widened when he heard what you said. He literally dropped everything and said he was on his way.

You told him to hurry but still drive within the speed limit and Dean told you he couldn't make you any promises. You let out a little laugh and you added that you loved him. He said the same thing and you both hung at the same time. You exited the bathroom and grabbed a change of pants and put those on.

You got the baby bag together and made sure to have that ready to go. You also made sure to go over and talk to Lottie. "Hey, sweetie. Can I talk to you?" You said taking a sit next to her. "Yes, Mommy. What is it? Is it about Daddy?" She asked looking up at you batting her little eye lashes.

"Well its about me. Mommy is about to go have the baby. It's coming and now and Uncle Sammy is come and stay with you and Daddy we'll be at the hospital." You said knowing if you didn't keep her in the loop she would get curious.

"Will Uncle Cas come by too?" She asked the only thing she had to say about it. "Maybe. He might be a little tied up right now but he night." You said knowing Lottie loved seeing her Uncle Cas. "I can't wait to meet the baby. It's going to be so little!" She said grinning up to you.

You could only smile at your daughter's innocence and you could hope she could hold onto that for a long, long time. That is when Dean pulled up in the impala. They both jumped out and bust through the door. That was also when you experienced your first real contraction.

Dean helped you up and you both blew little Lottie a little kiss and thanked Sam again and were out the door. Once you were both in the car, Dean popped the question. "Should risk it and drive our hospital or one close by?" Dean said leaving up to you because you were the one giving birth and all.

You were about to say your hospital when another contraction ripped through putting tears in your eyes. "One close by." You groaned in response. Dean didn't even argue with that and just started driving. You were obviously in a lot of pain and to not even want to attempt your local hospital.

You arrived to nearest hospital within the last twenty minutes and you went you got inside you and Dean explained the whole situation like this. "My husband got the week off and we decided to take a mini vacation in this town and well this happened." You said trying to laugh off the pain.

"Okay, we can call you main doctor and tell him the situation but you wouldn't mind having one of our doctors, correct?" The nurse so nicely asked you. "Not at all. All unless they don't know what they are doing." You said with a smile. You reached for Dean's hand and Dean saw and put his hand out for you squeeze and hold onto as long and as much as you needed.

Oh how you loved your Dean. "And it also seems that you are very far along, Mrs. Chesterwin?" The nurse pointed at you. "You are already 6 cm dilated!" The nurse exclaimed. "That has to be good news. Oh well I'll send the doctor to see you very soon." The nurse said on her way out.

Once she was gone, you turned to Dean and you had to ask. "Chesterwin? Really Dean?" You said cocking an eyebrow. "You like that? No. I thought that was pretty original. Oh no? Okay." Dean said getting the picture. He should have just wrote your maiden name like he did with Lottie.

Then, the doctor came in. She checked you again and sadly no updates for the moment but it shouldn't be much longer. After the doctor left, Dean said he was very excited to hold anther little baby. You agreed. Lottie wasn't a little girl but she always be your's and Dean's little girl.

You and Dean continued to hold hands and Dean rubbed your knuckles with thumb. back and forth and back and again. It couldn't of been twenty minutes when you felt a real shot of pain. The doctor and your nurse must have been standing outside the door and they came in and reported that it was time to push.

"Okay, on my count. 1..2...3.. now!" You pushed with all of your might. You let a few groans and moans escape from your lips but Dean was your rock and encouraged you with words like, "I can see her head, you're doing such a good job keep going, baby." After one big push out came your long-awaited baby.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Chesterwin, to your new baby girl." Dean being the proud father he was, was able to cut the cord himself and then Dean asked if she could take a picture of the three of them and she didn't mind at all.

There she was, your brand new baby girl. Once they washed her up and got her foot prints it hit you. What were you going to name her. You didn't even come up with a name yet!

"Dean, what are we going to name her?" You said with a hint of panic in your voice. Dean looked down at the baby and said. "How about..." Dean couldn't even finish what he was going to say when Castiel appeared out of the blue. "Y/N, my apologies. I wanted to be her sooner but duty calls you know?" Cas walking up to you and Dean.

"Its fine, Cas." You said actaully forgetting you prayed to him. "About what?" Dean asked feeling confused. "I prayed to Castiel when my water broke. And look everything worked out like it was suppose too." You said nudging your forehead with Dean's. "And what were you about to say, Dean?" You asked him wanting to hear what he had to say.

"I got the perfect name!" Dean proclaimed. "Yeah and what's that?" You said suddenly very curious. "Cassie. We'll be naming her after Cas but Lottie loves her Uncle Cas." Dean said making a point. You looked down at her again and she opened her little eyes for the first time and looked up to you.

When she closed them, you looked over to Dean and said,

"Cassie it is."

You and Dean looked up to Cas and he looked very grateful.

"May I hold her?" Cas asked approaching the bed even more.

"Of course." You said being very careful in handing over to him.

Cas gathered Cassie in his arms and told you and Dean you did good.

"We always do." Dean said kissing you.

The End!! 

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