11- This Is Not The Typical Teenage Party

Start from the beginning

My inner monologue stopped when the blankets and duvet got yanked off of my body, I curled up in a ball and turned to see who the intruder was. Martin was sitting at the foot of my bed, observing me with a bored face.

"What can I do for you?" I croaked, pausing the movie.

"I'm bored," he announced, throwing his arms around, exasperated. "Amy and all the others are dancing so I have no one to talk to and Ryan is snogging a girl."

"What do you want me to do?" I threw on my cardigan.

"Can we watch Harry Potter? I want popcorn as well," Martin pleaded.

I sighed and gave him a weak smile before getting to my feet. Martin was on my heels to the kitchen to find popcorn and make some hot chocolate. The lights in the living room were dimmed and I could see some people dancing, eating, talking or full on making out. Cringing, I sneaked through to the other end and grabbed the bag of popcorn in the sweets cupboard.

"You stink." I whirled around from pouring the milk into two mugs to face Jarrett. I glanced him over and a month ago, I may have giggled and smiled like a lunatic but right now, all I wanted to do was frown and snap back.

"OK," I shrugged, returning to the mugs. His comment struck a nerve but I wasn't going to show him. He wasn't worth the contort of my face or my voice quivering.

"Lay off mate," Fred turned on the tap and filled his glass of water. "Hope can you make me a hot chocolate too? I got cold outside."

"Sure," I nodded. "Martin go find a Harry Potter movie and set it up on my laptop."

"You're watching Harry Potter? While your sister is hosting a dope party?!" Fred exclaimed.

"Well, I'm not exactly going to be dressing up in tight clothes, climbing on tables, trashing the whole flat and making out with people while I have a fever now am I?" I raised an eyebrow. "Here's your hot chocolate. Enjoy the party."

I handed him the mug and his fingers brushed mine before he gripped the handle. "We're playing Seven Minutes of Heaven, and Truth or Dare. Join in if you want," he offered.

"I might," I lied as to not sound bitter and ungrateful. "But I promised Martin that we would watch a movie because he was bored. I don't know how long this is going to go for but Paul and Mum are returning at half ten."

I gripped both of the mugs and slowly trailed through the living room and into my bedroom. Martin had balanced the laptop between his legs and patiently waiting for me. I plopped myself next to him and pulled the duvet over both of us. He laid his head on my shoulder and sipped the hot chocolate as the Wizarding World immersed the pair of us. I could no longer feel the vibration of the floor. They must've started their little games.

Martin hugged my side at the Sorting Ceremony scene. I looked down in concern; Martin wasn't a huggable seven year-old. He hated cuddling and being embraced, which made sense; he was very claustrophobic. He had a small, box like room where he kept most of his possessions and where he slept but other than that, he avoided his room because he was so afraid that one day he would wake up and it'd be closing down on him.

"Are you OK?" I ask, running my hands through his hair.

"Uh-uh," Martin mumbled. "I just feel a little out of place."

"Why's that?" I stopped the movie and put my arms around his shoulders.

"Well Amy's a cool sister and all but whenever she has parties at home or invites someone round, she kind of acts like I'm invisible or that I get in her way. You don't really do that and I'm just confused." I sighed.

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