Part nineteen

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Aph POV:
Finally everything is over. Everyone is back at there houses and no one is hurt. Luckily everything ended before Monday.

It's nice because I can actually be around Laurence a little more. It was around 8pm when Laurence texted me.

I was staying at Traviss house.

(A-aph L-lar)
L: aph come outside I need to talks to yous

A: check your grammar and fine

L:ha whatever

I sneak past Travis room then head out the door. I walk outside and see Laurence across the street. He walks forward then starts running towards me

I embrace him into a hug and he smirks.

"Heyyyyy babe" he says, I roll my eyes

"Don't turn into a travis" I say, he chuckles

"I promise I won't, now...did I ever tell you have beautiful you are or how your hair shines in the sun or how your never sad...or how whenever you walk into a room everyone everyone because happy" he says, I blush madly

"L-Laurence I- I don't know what to-" he stops me by placing his lips on mine

We pull away and I'm pretty sure my fave was a red as a fire truck.

"Now aphmau, will you be my girlfriend" he asks, I squeal on the inside

"Yes!! Yes!! A million times yes!!" I say, he chuckles

I love you Laurence.....
Gar POV:
Everyone was back at there houses. I stayed behind to talk to my sister. Yes I know you want to know what happened.

Well you see it went like this.

"You can't be my sister, my sister died a long time ago" I say

"Well I am so get used to it" she says, I smile

"Yep your my sister" I say

She ended up healing All my wounds and let me stay with her. She told me that she wanted to come visit me but she never knew where I lived.

I was just excited that my sister was alive. So know here I am sitting on my temporary bed about to ask a big question.

"Hey CD come here" I say,

CD has been my sisters nickname since I could talk. She always hated the name but I would call her it anyways.

"Garroth I told her to never call me that again" she says, I chuckle

"Anyways I have a question" I ask, she nods

"Wanna move to phenoix drop with everyone" I ask, she smiles

"I would totally love to" she says, I chuckle

I then hip bump her which we always would do after something good happened.

"Well lest get you packed" I say
Aph POV:
After I hugged Laurence goodbye I went back inside. Travis was sitting on the couch staring at me.

"You can't sneak past me that easily" he says, I look at the ground

"Well I thought I could but apparently I can't" I say, he chuckles

"So did Laurence ask you out yet" I looked at him wide eyed

"How did you know he was gonna do that" I say, Travis chuckles

"He's my bestfriend I know him to well to not know that" Travis says, I giggle

"Anyways I'm going to bed now so you can stop watching my every move" I say, he smirks

"Nah all watch you about longer, exspecially your lower side" he says smirking, I glare at him

"Your lucky I'm already upstairs" I say, he chuckles

I go up to my room or Travis guest room. I know I should go back to my house but it brings back memories I don't want brought back.

I plop on my bed and look around the room. Everything has been so different nowadays all my friend have grown up, while I'm still a child.

Now all I have to do is learn how to be a girlfriend. I'm just kidding I kinda already know.

(A : aph l- Laurence

L- hey cutie

A: hey Laurence!

L- I just wanted to say goodnight❤️

A: night❤️

I then turn my phone off and lay back down.

He's the one....

Hey guys sorry for the lack of chapters but I am having a bit of writers block, anyways this book will be coming to a end soon but don't worry my new book "best friend" already had two chapter or three but check it out anways....byeeee

The light to my dark ||larmau||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora