Part four

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Aph POV:
I wake up and see Travis on a chair in my room asleep. I don't know why he would give up his bed to sleep on a chair but yea know whatever he likes. Since it was Saturday I decided I would hangout with Travis and Zane and introduce them to my friends.

I go downstairs and start to cook breakfast for Travis. He doesn't have much so all just cook eggs for now. I start to cook the eggs and as I'm cooking Travis comes down here.

"Darn it I wanted to make breakfast for you" he says, I giggle

"I'm an early riser so your gonna have to set an alarm clock to do that" I say, he chuckles

"So you got any plans for today" he asks, while seating himself on the table

"Um I was thinking you me and Zane could hangout and maybe I could introduce you to some of my friends" I say, he nods

"Sounds good, we can just walk over to zanes house he never has plans anyway" Travis says, I giggle

We eat the eggs and Travis tell me more about himself. Apparently he knows Garroth from Zane. He tells me that he is a demon warlock, meaning he is supposed to be bad but Isent.

He said that his parents are the bad guys and try to make him bad. But Travis whenever they tried he would just leave the house. Which I suppose is a good idea if you wanna leave a conversation.

"Wanna go get Zane now" I say, Travis chuckles

"You haven't even got ready yet" he says, I giggle

"Who cares I can just wear these shorts and this shirt then put my hair in a messy bun" I say, he smirks

"Whatever you say "princess" he says, saying princess mockingly

I playfully punch him in the arm then we head out. Zanes house was the last house on our block meaning it was a long walk. But the good part is all my friends live on this street.

I look over at the blue house. All the lights or off. Heh katelyns still asleep that's at first. Then I see the White House garroths room light was on. Maybe I should stop by.

I signal to Travis that I'm going over there. He nods but stays back. I knock on the door them tell Travis to come closer. I saw him roll his eyes then come closer.

"Aphmau Travis what are you guys doing here" Garroth asks, I look at Travis

"Well I was gonna hangout with Travis and Za-" I was cut off my Travis putting a hand to my mouth

"she's hanging out with me and Zach" he says, Garoth smiles

"Okay cool well aphmau can you call me later" Garroth asks, I nod

Once Garroth closes his door I look at Travis.

"What the fluff was that for" I say, he looks down nervously

"Well uh you see Garroth kinda hates Zane" Travis says, I put my hand on my face

"And you decide to tell me this now" I say, he nods

"I give up on you" I say, he gives a nervous smile

We keep walking and soon get to the last houses. Which were zanes and Laurence's. We go over to the black house which I assumed was zanes and knocked on the door.

"Hello Zane its me aphmau and Travis" I say, I hear footsteps coming to the door

Zane glared at me. He looked like he had just woke up. He was wearing black pants and a black shirt. His hair was messy and his eyes were baggy.

"Uh. Bad. Timing" I say, nervously

"Oh no I just love being woken up after having a good dream" Zane says, I smile nervously

"Aphmau was the one who wanted to come here early cause she wanted to see you" Travis says, I glare at him

"Well in that case, aphmau come inside Travis wait out there" Zane says, I stick out my tongue at Travis

"Why did you want me in here" I ask, he chuckles

"Because Travis annoys me and since you wanted to see me so badly I didn't want to leave you out there" he says, I smile at him

"Hey uh guys would you mind letting me in" Travis says, I giggle

Zane nods and I go over to the door and let Travis in. After Travis gets let in there was a knock on the door a few minutes later. I go to answer it.

"Hey I saw you go into zanes house I wanted to make sure you were okay" Laurence says, I look at him weird

"Of course I would be okay, Zane is like my bestfriend" I say, Laurence nods

"Okay we'll see ya later" Laurence says, I wave goodbye

Before I closed the door I see a mother playing with her children. Boy I miss my mom, I never got a call saying she died yet. I still have hope and I'm not giving up. I'm gonna go visit her tomorrow maybe bring Garroth. Because Garroth is her favorite one of my friends.

I didn't realize I was crying until Travis came up and hugged me. I looked out the door and see Laurence staring at us. He looked sad but before I could do anything he went inside his house.

"It's okay I won't let anything happen to your mom" Travis says, I know he didn't promise cause he can't promise me anything

"Thanks" I say, he nods and hugs me again

Then Zane comes out and sees my red eyes he looks at Travis.

"Travis what did you do to her" Zane says, Travis looked at Zane offended and I laughed

"Hey! What makes you think I made her cry" Travis says, Zane sighs

"Do you really want me to answer that" he says, Travis shakes his head

Zane puts on his shoes and we leave the house. I see Laurence looking at us through his window. Was he jealous that Travis hugged me? Whatever it is maybe all text his later I mean as long as he's not crying.

Zane and Travis walk on either side of me and everytime we passed someone I knews house I would punch Zane in the shoulder. It was a fun game actually but Zane didn't seem to like it.

My phone started ringing and I answered it. It was a unknown number but for all I knew it could be about my dad.

??- hi is this aphmau Phoenix

A- yes why

??- I have news about your mother...

Oh cliffhanger...anyways new chapter tomorrow byeeeee


The light to my dark ||larmau||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora