Geometric Shapes

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Thanks for the erm...votes and comment! I dunno if I can call them reviews or not since it's a different site. *shrugs* Oh well.

Anyway, enjoy chapter 2!


Chapter Two: Geometric Shapes

The next day, mom dropped me off at Dave's again. It was about 11 in the morning, and I had only woken up an hour ago. I yawned deeply, rubbing my arms. Yep, definitely not a morning person. Mom was right though, a new pile of cars were lined right by the entrance. Although they were mostly pick-up trucks, which I wasn't really all that interested in. My feet dragged through the dirt road, kicking up clouds of dirt and some rested on the heels of my combat boots. 

Oh well.

I was too tired to care. But, I did promise to help Dave clean some of the newer, more appealing cars.

I passed by the grimy, silver car again and couldn't help the small shiver that ran up my body. It still felt like I was being watched. I glanced at the car, it was still. Stoic. Completely unmoving. Why did I get such strange vibes from this car? There was a sound of an old, wooden door opening and I turned in the direction of the small building. Dave stepped out, two large, bulky aprons in one hand and three different paints, a bucket with cleaning supplies and sponges in another. I walked towards him.

"Hey Charlie," He greeted, setting down the paint next to him, before handing me the bulky apron, "Here's so ya won't get your clothes all dirty. We'll be washing, painting, then buffing and waxing the better cars."

I nodded, throwing the bulky apron over me and tying it at the back before picking up the bucket filled with cleaning supplies. "I'll take the ones over there," I said, pointing to the cars lined against the metal fence on the far side of the junkyard. He nodded, before hauling the other supplies over to the pick-up trucks.

I hauled my bucket, cleaning supplies, rags, paint, wax, and buffing materials over to my designated side, scanning for any worthy enough cars. My eyes immediately landed on the strange silver car, still being eerily silent. I checked the others again, but all of them seemed to look if I'd just touch them, they'd fall apart from the rust. Sighing, I hauled all of my stuff over to the silver car.

"Look, I'll wash you and fix you up...but you've got to promise, no weird crap, okay?" I said, setting the supplied down beside me.

I froze. Was I really just talking to a car? Oh, how my social life have gone down the drain. 

 Shaking my head, I plucked away at all the loose twigs, branches, leaves and dead flowers stuck all over the place. What, did this car frolic through a flower field or something?

"You sir, need a clean, thorough wash." I muttered, digging in my pocket for my phone.

Pulling out my phone and earbuds, I began to listen to "Forever" by HAIM. The intro of drums started to play, and I swung my hips to it, before the music came in. I squirted soap all over the sponge before dipping it into the water to let it all soak in. I squeezed it a little, liking the tickling sensation of the suds, cooling my hands on the warm summer morning. I began to sing along to the lyrics.

"Hey you!

Remember me? Remember my love?

Remember trying to stay together?

My time, you took it all

You tried to see

You try to bring yourself up without involving me

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