He nodded and let them in. They all noticed Slates choice of clothing. Dressed all in black but a country aesthetic. Goth Cowboy was the only way to describe it.                           

     They walked into a small, stuffy room. An old floral rug layout on the hardwood flooring. There was a tattered couch in the right corner and two small chairs on the left. The two sliding doors in front of them lead out to a small courtyard. Blue peeked into an open door on the right, seeing pews full of ghosts. Harper peeking in after her, curious as to what was going on.                    

"It's a funeral. The ghosts are saying goodbye to their old lives and accepting death." Slate whispered.                      

 "I didn't know ghosts had funerals too." Harper replied.                 

He waived for them to follow him down a hallway, "Not many people know about it."                             
Slate led them down the hall and through a white door. He switched on the light, revealing a small garage, "Here we are."                                            

   Blue stared at the black hearse, "I'm pretty sure that's not a limo."                          

    "It's close enough." GG smiled.               

 "You girls going somewhere special?"                                                                  

  "A gala." Harper replied.             

  He ran his hands through his long, black, feathery hair. "Thats cool. It reminds me of the time the Mrs. and I-"                                              

"Slate!!" someone yelled out.       

They all turned to see a woman standing in the doorway.  She had blonde, feathery (literal feathers), jaw length hair and a petite figure. She wore a modest, black and white, knee length dress that buttoned all the way, covered most of her neck. Her caves down were bird legs. Chicken legs, to be exact. Something that may not be important in sharing is that this bird species is called a Harpy. With that being said, you are now to imagine Slate with chicken legs, for he is also a Harpy.                                      

Mrs. Harpy stood there with a scowl on her face.                                                                

  "My love, is there something wron-"                                                                        

  "Don't 'my love' me! You left the chicken feed outside again! How many times do I have to tell you not to leave it out there!?"                                   

Slate walked over and planted a kiss on her small lips, running his hands through her feathered hair. Blue covered Harper's eyes, chuckling as she slapped her hand away.                                        

   "I can never seem to stay mad at you." she said, caressing his face, her fingers lightly touching his eyebrow piercings.                                                                  

  "Nancy. I asked Slate if we could borrow the hearse." GG interrupted. "I hope that's okay."               
"Of course! As long as you have it back by tomorrow morning, it's fine." Nancy eyed the other two girls, "Did the brunette kill someone? Is that why you need it?"                                                           

"Why me!?" Harper freaked out.          

   "I'm guessing you've let people use the hearse to get away with murders." Blue deducted.

Nancy shrugged, "You'll never know."     

  Slate tossed GG the keys, "Be gentle with her. I don't want to see a scratch on her when you get back from the gala."                                                                           

 "Gala!? Oooh! What are you going to wear?" Nancy asked, hopping from foot to foot.                        

"Uh, our normal clothes." Harper replied, looking down at her plaid shirt and apron.                        

"No! That won't do at all. You have to look sophisticated."she snapped her fingers, ordering them to follow her back inside.                                   

She lead them back down the hall and into the stuffy room. They headed out onto the court yard and over to a small shed. Nancy unlocked the shed door and opened it, revealing a rack of fancy dresses. "Alright ladies. Take your pick."

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