xvi. A REMINDER Of Conduct

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A/N 1:

ONLY Statements Relevant to the Issues discussed in this book are quoted below. ECole789.

“Wattpad members share their passion for reading and writing by sharing stories and interacting with each other through comments, chat and club discussions. The way we treat one another shapes the type of community we are building together….Our goal is to create a safe, fun and caring environment for story lovers.”  Wattpad.

A/N 2:

Who reads the fine print of any website?  I too am guilty of not reading such things.  When I do finally get around to reading the fine print, in this case Wattpad’s code of conduct statement, I understand why I usually skip such statements on purpose…It’s Basically Universal Moral Conduct that should be Understood and Practiced without Needing to be spoken of!  It should be Second Nature, with no Effort on thought regarding the practice of it!  Most of us are now beginning to see, that this is not the case as far as the Wattpad Community is concerned (Some members that is); otherwise, we would not have the need and desire to discuss such matters in hopes that others will do better After they happen upon this book and read about Themselves--Their Actions.  ECole789.

DO Be Generous

Please show your generous support and appreciation to the writers, who worked so hard on the stories, by voting, leaving encouraging comments and tell others how much you’ve enjoyed the stories…”  Wattpad.

A/N 3:

I do Realize that All of us Fall Short on time, we do lead lives outside of Wattpadville.  So if you have time to comment after you vote, then do so.  If not, a vote with no comment is just as appreciated and I am keeping in mind the glitches of the site as I recommend this while trying to remain hopeful that the notification problems will decrease over time.   If something seems out of place on someone’s work, especially if you are a Regular reader of the Writer’s work, Please take a few minutes to point it out to the writer.  Errors in this line of hobby/work are very possible as well as Unintended meanings and confusion.  And Readers, because Wattpad is about Sharing more than anything else, Please remember to tell your friends about the works you read that are appealing to you.  ECole789.

DO Give Constructive and Supportive Feedback

Constructive comments are welcomed, as long as they are specific and are given in a respectful and supportive manner. It is okay if you do not find the piece of work to your taste. Simply stop reading the story and find one that does suit your taste. However, it is not okay to leave rude and insulting feedback. These comments will be removed without notice.”  Wattpad.

A/N 4:

I pointed this out in an earlier post.  I can not Stress enough how EASY it is to Simply Stop reading the work if it is unappealing to you, and then LEAVE the person’s page.  Don’t waste your time and ours with rude insulting remarks that will get deleted and you possibly reported IF the nature of the remark/insult is vulgar enough to the writer in question, to warrant such an extreme action.  ECole789.

DO Respect Others Views And Opinions

The Wattpad Community is a diverse group with different opinions and views. But it means that everybody needs to be tolerant and respect people whose ideas are different to their own…”  Wattpad.

A/N 5:

If you can’t at least do that, then I DARE to say that Wattpad is NOT the place for you, nor any other site that promotes connecting individuals for purposes greater than entertainment: sharing, growth, and enrichment.  ECole789.

DON’T Rant, Flame, Troll and Fight

Wattpad is a friendly and welcoming environment for everyone to enjoy. It's not the place for you to express rage from other parts of your life…”  Wattpad.

A/N 6:

As I have previously stated in a reply, I am all for casual conversation.  I still welcome it despite my previous incident because the fact of the matter is…we (writers) do need these readers and the last thing you want to do to them, is come across as being coldhearted.  It is for this reason alone, I still welcome the casual conversation but up to a very fine POINT…there is a Line that should Not be crossed and it is the writer’s discretion where do draw that line.  So Readers, do Not take Offense when we tell you at any given point in time, you are going to far with your conversations.  Because the majority of you are youngsters, I do realize that most of you maybe unaware that sometimes you DO go overboard with your conversations and asking for advice...so when it is pointed out to you that you are doing this, don’t take Offense…NO Harm is Meant.  Just Respect the wishes of the person pointing this out to you, and then Peacefully carry on with the True spirit of the website.  ECole789.

Wattpad’s Current Code of Conduct:

To read more of the statement that honestly none of us probably have ever read since becoming a member, the link can be found at the very bottom right-hand side of your profile page under the category, More Info.

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