iii. No Response to Votes and or Comments EVER...Huh?!

158 20 31

Lisaner’s Reply:

If I see something that interests me, I read, comment, and vote.  It amazes me when I see no response from the author. I always respond to any reads of my work…

ECole789’s Reply:

…Most of our followers are youngsters and don't think about returning the favor in the same manner to show gratitude…they are so excited to have written something that they are more focused on getting it read and voted on rather than reading others work and voting on it…

Maybe at some point they will grasp this and then do better, I hope :o)


I tend to vote for an entire book of work (all 5, 10, 15 or however many pages of it) if I Enjoy the work Enough and it is Frustrating on top of Shockingly Amazing that after giving one person so many votes and even comments on their one however many page book in one sitting that you NEVER hear from them in any shape, form, or fashion!  And some of you guys wonder why some of us get so Testy if not Uninterested in your future works...Well, now you know. ECole789

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