vi. To Read To Comment But NOT To Vote, Wait...What?

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Lisaner’s Reply:

Then there are the members that read and comment, but don't vote...

MarilynKing6’s Reply:

...I hate that people read my work and don't even comment or vote, like it's not even worth it.


I have seen this, a few times on my works and pretty much all over wattpad on other writers’ postings--I often find that I am the first to vote on the work, though many read it before me.  When I scroll to the bottom of the page after voting, I see a comment... it’s a Positive comment but there’s only one vote, that one vote is mine!  I think as I stare at the page, Really?!  You leave comments like...

"It’s a wonderful piece of work!

 I’m head over heels in love with it!

 It’s the best piece of writing I’ve ever seen!

 Such creativity, how awesome!

 I enjoy your unique writing style!

 I hung on every word of it!

 I liked your story, keep writing!"

And on and on and on…But, Your Vote after making such Grand comments in the comment box is Where??? 

Okay, Honestly if you feel that strongly about the work, there is really no real reason for you to NOT vote on it UNLESS you are being Selfish about it, if not HighThrone.  You yourself don’t have as many votes as you would like, so like Hell you will give a vote to someone else and as previously mentioned some of you think your own work is too superior to Give a vote to someone else’s works, in your mind you feel us Lowly Class writers should feel lucky that you even read it at all let alone commented on it, Right??

Hmm…"NO!", you are more than likely screaming followed by "How dare she?" with your finger pointing at this page huh?  Well Okay...I DARE You then, to read something of OURS and then simply Vote if you Truly like it…go ahead and prove US ALL WRONG!!


And Then Vote!

I DOUBLE Dare You!!


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So Freakin' Pissed Wit' Youse!!  Wattpadville.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang