v. To Read or Not To Read Other's Work

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Lisaner’s Reply:

I have followers that send out messages to all followers that simply say "please read my work," but they never read mine. I feel one needs to read if one wants their work read.

No site is a "my little pomey" site. When you want to play ball with the big boys and girls, you need to have a certain humility about you.  You don't just beg to be read.  It doesn't work that way. :))

ECole789”s Reply:

...Others think their work is too superior to return the favor, even if they have less reads votes and followers than you do...


Yes…I still stand by my original reply.  Some people have made comments as such on others’ boards who were interested in following the High Horse writer, if not wanting/asking them to read something!  The High Horse writer in the end had no such desire to follow the Lowly Class writer in question or read their works for that matter!  Hey, you can follow/read whoever and whatever you want but you don’t have to be so Obviously Rude and High Throne about it!!  That’s all I’m saying!  And yeah, Lisaner is right...expect to read at least SOMETIME if you want your works read…so Simple. ECole789

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