I nod. "Okay."

Shawn gives me a small smile and leans down kissing my forehead. "I'll be back."

I nod and watch as he turns away from me and exits the room before shutting the door behind him. Letting my body relax into the mattress, pulling the blankets higher up my body, I let my thoughts wonder.

Who knew that tonight was going to be like this? It was just supposed to be a party, a fun time with people who I have grown fond of and now I almost got sexually abused...again and my boyfriend has to spend the night in jail because of it.

Thank God, Harry is gone for just one night.

Tears prickle and sting in the back of my eyes as my mind ran flashbacks of Zayn and I. My body shakes remembering the feel of his rough hands trailing down the skin of my legs as he tugged my jeans down and for some odd torturing  reason my mind started to make a comparison between him and Nathan. My breathing unconsciously changes as tears ran down my cheeks.

I don't understand. Am I doing something wrong? Is this my fault? Maybe if I had never gotten back together with Nathan in the beginning none of this would have happened.

I sniff and shift to turn on my side and bring the blankets up underneath my chin.

Tomorrow I will be with Harry. Tomorrow I will be with Harry. Everything will be okay.

Chanting this over and over in my head, I close my eyes and pray for sleep to overtake me.

The minutes feel like hours and the seconds feel like years as I wait for Harry to arrive home. Niall brought Harry's car from Louis'  house this morning and now I am just here alone waiting for my dad to drop Harry off. I sat on the edge at the foot of the bed, anxiously bouncing my knee as I bite on my thumb nail.

Letting out a groan of frustration I impatiently stand and messily push my hair behind my ear, missing a few strands and suddenly I hear the front door open, raising my heavy heart in my chest. Quickly, I turn and dash out of the bedroom.

"Ryder?" Harry calls out as I begin to descend the stairs. Once I made it halfway down the staircase, I look towards the door seeing him, peeking into the living room, still dressed in the same clothes from yesterday, now smudged with mud and a few blood stains on his shirt.

"Harry." I breath, saying his name as if it were a prayer as I rush down the last few steps. Harry turns and takes a few long strides as soon as he sees me, holding his arms open as I dash over and slam myself into his chest.

"Harry." I say once more, but this one a choked sob as I tighten my arms around his neck while his tightly hold me against him, as if our bodies could somehow collide into one.

"Shh, it's okay." Harry mutters, pressing a kiss on my temple. "I'm right here."

"I thought...I thought I lost you." I sniff, pulling back to look at him. "Shawn told me you went to jail and...I mean I saw when the police had you but I blacked out and-"

"It's okay. It was just for one night." He says, reaching up to brush down my hair before his hands cupped my face. I blink away my tears as my eyes take in the bags under his eyes and the bruise imprinted on his cheek.

Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now