Chapter 5

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Lucy's POV

I woke up hearing 2 dragon roars, I swung open my door and saw Acnologia and Grandeeney fly off into the distance. I walked back into the room shaking Wendy awake, "Come on Wendy up" i said quietly "Ugh whats up nee- chan" Wendy replied sleepily "We have to leave, we are going to join a guild" I said in a sad tone. "W-what where's mama" Wendy was getting scared "They had to leave Wendy, my daddy did as well along with all the other dragons that's why you stayed here last night, we are going, leaving home to join a guild and meet new people and have a new family" I said grabbing my pink magic bag and filling it with everything that i had, i handed Wendy her green magic bag with all her stuff in from her cave and we set off grabing snacks and our exceeds along the way.

Time Skip 2 hours

"Nee-chan how much longer" Wendy wined to me, we had been walking for about 2 hours "Wendy we are near a town so we cant be far from a train station, from there we will get the train to magnolia I think that's where Fairy tail is" I said trying to remember where my mum told me the guild was. "Nee-chan how are we going to get a train we don't have any money do we" Wendy was getting concerned so I pulled her into a hug and said "Grandeeney left you some money its in your bag and my daddy left me money also, so we wont have any trouble paying for the train." Wendy just nodded and we continued walking towards the town.

Time skip train station

We had finally arrived at the train station, I had paid for the tickets and we where just waiting for the train now heading towards Magnolia.

Time skip Magnolia/ Wendy's POV

We climbed off the train, I slept the whole way but nee-chan stayed awake. We where walking though the city of Magnolia when my stomach rumbled rather loudly nee chan herd it so she said "Come on lets go get something to ea at a café I'm pretty hungry myself and i think these two are aswell" I laughed because nee-chan was pointing towards Seiza and Carla who where sitting ontop of our heads.

Time skip/ Lucy's POV

We had eaten lunch and started to make our way towards fairy tail again, We where walking all over the city because I didn't want to ask for help, Seiza decided to walk besides me so Carla walked next to Wendy, It was a quiet walk, we where looking everywhere until seiza bumped into a short old man. "Oh sorry sir, Seiza is just clumsy, Say sorry Seiza" I said looking down at Seiza making sure she apologised. "Sorry sir" Seiza looked down when she was saying sorry, she looked abit upset because of her clumsy ness. "Its ok Little Neko, Are you 4 new here I haven't seen you around before" He said patting Seiza on the head, Wendy giggled at Seiza whilst I said "Yeah we are new, we are looking for a guild called Fairy Tail" He looked at me with a hocked face and said "Layla, it cant be" "No my names Lucy my mother was called Layla, did you know her" I said looking sad, i don't remember much about my mother because i was only young at the time. "Well I'm Makarov the master of Fairy tail and your mother was once in my guild nefore she met your father, i can take you to my guild you can join if you want but do you mind me asking what are our names and magic" He asked once more. I never knew my mother was in a guild.

"Well as you know I'm Lucy Apocalypse, I know all the elements of dragon slaying, I also know Requip and Celestial magic this is my exceed Seiza she has aera magic and has a battle form" I said then Wendy said "Hi I'm Wendy Marvell, I know Sky dragon slaying and this is my exceed Carla she knows aera magic as well" Wendy said Makarov looked at us and said "We have 2 other dragon slayers in Fairy tail, they are Laxus my grandson, he is a lightning dragon slayer but he wasn't raised by a dragon he had a lacrama implanted in him. The other dragon slayer was raised by a dragon called Igneel, he is a fire dragon slayer, his name is Natsu Dragneel, you'll find him easily because he has pink hair." I wasn't surprised to find out that there where other dragon slayers but i didn't know there would be any in this guild "Whilst we walk towards my guild do you mind telling me who your dragons are" I nodded and Wendy spoke first saying "My mama was Grandeeney the sky dragon" I then said "Can you promise that you wont judge me for who my dad was" Makarov just nodded his head so i sighed and said "My dad was Acnologia the chaos dragon" I waited to be shouted at and abandoned because daddy told me people think he is evil. "Acnologia well child I'm surprised you followed the path of light but i understand that he cant be as bad as people say he is if he raised a child. Well that aside welcome to Fairy tail. Once we get inside i will give you all your guild marks" we both nodded and we all headed into the guild following our new master into his office.

"Where would you like your guild marks " Master Makarov asked "Can I have mine on my right shoulder in blue please" Wendy asked shyly "Can I have mine on my back in pink please" Carla asked in her posh tone "Can I have mine on the back of my right hand in pink please" I asked then last Seiza asked for hers "Can I have mine on my back in turquoise please" Makarov nodded and gave us all our guild marks. He lead us outside of his office and shouted "LISTEN UP BRATS WE HAVE 4 NEW MEMBERS, WE HAVE LUCY APOCALYPSE, WENDY MARVELL, CARLA AND SEIZA, PLEASE MAKE THEM FEEL WELCOME, THAT IS ALL" Makarov left and walked back into his office leaving me and Wendy to talk to the rest of the guild.

"Nee-chan I'm scared what if they don't like me" Wendy said hugging me and wrapping herself around my leg. "Wendy who doesn't love you, they will like you if you just be you, come on I wont leave you alone whilst we meet new people ok, come on" I said picking Wendy up off the floor and standing her on her own two feet. I turned to see Carla and Seiza down stairs with people surrounding them whilst they explain what they are.

I walked down the stairs and practically dragged Wendy with me, once I got her down the stairs I saw 5 girls and 3 boys run over to us. "Hi Lucy, Wendy I'm Levy, This is Erza, Mira, Natsu, Gray, Romeo, Cana and Lisanna" I looked at a girl around my age, she had blue hair, she started to point at people saying there names so I followed her finger and soon new everyone's names. "Hi" I replied. "What's your magic" a girl with red hair said "Oh I'm an elemental dragon slayer, i also know requip and celestial magic" Everyone just looked at me like i was weird "Fight me" a boy with pink hair said, I think this was Natsu. "Ok but your gonna loose so no hard feelings" I said smiling at him. We all walked outside onto an empty field behind the guild starting our fight people where betting on us, guessing who would win, everyone but master, Wendy, Levy and Mira bet on me. "3,2,1 FIGHT" Makarov shouted and we started the fight.  

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