Engine Meeting, and Thinking Caps

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"Smile, new steamers. It's a sunny day." Bertie said to Thomas, Gordon, James, Henry, James, and Toby, as he drove by. The engines were having an emergency meeting.

"It's not sunny, because Braedey and the others weren't at the windmill. I looked." James said, then wheeshed some steam.

"I think their sparkle and magic is all gone." Thomas added in immediate concern for his friends.

"My smoke box doesn't feel sunny." Henry sniffed, annoyed, while his cheeks were as red as James's paintwork. "It feels stumped up."

"Nasty fumes from dingy Diesel. Hmm." Gordon huffed.

"And Diesel is after the Lost Engine." Henry added, looking worried for the Lost Engine.

"And if he finds her, I hear that will destroy us all." Toby said, not looking very happy about it.

"WHAT?! Even an engine as big as me?!" Gordon asked in outrage to the steam tram.

"Yes, Gordon. Even you." Toby replied to Gordon, and blew some steam from his funnel.

"Aaaah-CHOO!" Thomas suddenly sneezed out of unexpectedness, ad this made him jump up then back down onto the tracks with a CLANK.

"Say it, don't spray it, Thomas." James hissed.

"I've still got sneezing powder up my funnel." Thomas huffed. "Now, I'm going to look for Braedey and the others." And with that, Thomas steamed away, and whistled as he puffed away.

"Let's get back to work. That's what he would want." Toby told the engines, referring to Braedey, and they agreed.

"How about a race, Thomas? Vroom vroom." Bertie beeped his horn to Thomas, on the road opposite the tracks.

"Sorry, Bertie. I can't today." Thomas apologised, and he puffed down the line. "I'm gonna be a Really Useful Engine, and solve some mysteries instead." Then, he whistled to Bertie.

"I guess that means I win. Perhaps another day. Vroom vroom, vroom." Bertie beeped, and drove away.


Meanwhile, Braedey and the teens were waking through a garden of fruit and veggies. As Braedey walked by a rock, he noticed a note written on a piece of parchment attached to the rock by a nail.

"What's this?" Braedey pulled the note off the rock, and looked at the notice, as the others came up, and looked at the note.

"'I noticed you all left your thinking caps behind. Try one of these vegetables to get you thinking. Gone fishing, rabbit.'" Lucy read the note, then looked over to her right, and saw a carrot. "Wow. How thoughtful." She pulled it out of a nearby basket, and took a small bite out of it. Then, this got her thinking. "Plane. Drain." She rhymed.

"Hold on." Karen had a thought, and Lucy looked to her. "Let me try the celery. Let me see what I can think of." She picked up a piece of celery behind her, and takes a bite out of it. After a few moments, she started to think. "Trees. Sand." When she said 'sand', this made Braedey think for a second. "Moonlight. Beach."

"Wait a second." Braedey then stopped her and Lucy. "Beach..." He thought. "Beach..." He then hit it. "That's it! I've got it!"

"What? You've got what?" Rex asked.

"I need to find a bellflower. I need to make a phone call." Braedey then sprinted off into the forest, and this made the others follow him, confused of what he meant.

Braedey looked around him, and saw two bellflowers, just as the others came up. "Haha!" Then, he held the stems underneath the flowers, and pulled them up, but the stems didn't break, and they acted like parts of a phone.

"Oh! It's like a telephone!" Rex saw the genius of the bellflowers.

"I wish I had those." Lucy thought out loud, thinking it was a good idea to have flowers as a phone.


Meanwhile, on the tropical island of Hawaii, someone was relaxing in the calm and gentle sunlight of the day, enjoying the calm breeze of the Hawaiian day

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Meanwhile, on the tropical island of Hawaii, someone was relaxing in the calm and gentle sunlight of the day, enjoying the calm breeze of the Hawaiian day. He sat in one of the lawn chairs, and was listening to some Hawaiian music tunes on his CD player.

He had short golden brown hair with a faint reddish gleam and brown eyes speckled with gleaming flecks of gold. He stood 5ft tall, had fair skin, and was wearing a pair of red board shorts with black lining, and had a blue towel with black stripes on it, across his chest. His name is Tyler West.

Just then, he heard the sound of a Dixie horn, making him sit up with a startle, and look around at the beach, until her heard the sound of the horn. "That's my phone." He takes his headphones out, and answers his phone. "Hello? Tyler West calling."

"Tyler? Tyler, is that you?" A familiar voice asked on the other end of the line.

"Braedey? Is that you?" Tyler and Braedey are good friends, and Tyler hangs out on Sodor, along with the engines, though gets mischievous with a few of them, but stopped when Sir Topham Hatt ordered him to. He smiled, and sat back on the long chair. "Long time, no whistle, buddy."

"Tyler, where are you?" Braedey asked.

"Well, I'm in Hawaii. Living the dream, pal. Living the dream." Tyler replied.

"Tyler, listen to me, and listen to me carefully. You've got to come to Island of Sodor right now." Braedey told him.

"Right now? What's the problem?" Tyler can tell from the sound of Braedey's voice it was important.

"The Gold-Dust magic and the other's magic are gone, as if we were sucked dry of our powers, and we fear this could very well mean the end of anything and everything that was magical around us and the world." Braedey explained to him. "You need to help us find the source to get the family's Gold-Dust and the rest of the magic back."

"What is the source?" Tyler asked.

"That's the problem, Tyler." Braedey replied. "I haven't got a clue."

"Well, I can tell I'm running out of magic, too." Tyler looks at his left wrist, which had a magic meter. Tyler uses his magic to help him about.

"WHAT?!" Braedey sounded surprised and annoyed. Tyler tried not to laugh at his voice.

"Then, go to Shining Time Station in Crystal Cove." Braedey sounded calm and gave the instructions, as Tyler mimicked the motion of where to go. "When you walk into the building, take a right, and enter the broom closet, you'll find an amount of Gold Dust in a whistle, the size of a kazoo. Take heed of this, Tyler, and whatever you do..." He then whispered on the line. "...don't talk to anyone about the buffers."

"What buffers?" Tyler asked out of curiosity.

"Quiet!" Braedey snapped back at him. "Tyler, you need to get here right away! I'm counting on you."

"I'm on my way, Braedey. See you there." With that, he ended the call, and closed his phone. Then, he stood up, and looked to the sea. "Right. Next stop, Shining Time."

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