Jack Maynard

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"What's wrong baby?" Jack asks looking concerned as you sit in the corner of the sofa with a blanket round you.
"Nothing," you say not making eye contact.
"Well something's obviously wrong, you can tell me," Jack says.
He had known you for 5 years so he knew when something was up.
"We've been so stupid," you finally admit.
"What do you mean?"

You stand up and go towards the bathroom with Jack following behind. You bend down at the bin and lift out 'the problem'.
"Here," you say as you had him the stick with two lines.
"What's this?" He asks looking confused.
"I'm pregnant," you say as you break down in tears.
"Oh. It's ok baby we can sort this together. If you want the baby then I'll stay with you and if you don't want to be a mum then I'll still stay with you. I'm never leaving," Jack says looking at you in the eyes while holding your head in his hands.
"Promise?" you ask surprised.
"Yes, I promise," he says while pulling you in for a hug.

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