When the Baby Kicks

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Robin :)

When the baby became more active, Dick asked multiple times if you were alright. It was cute at first, but after a couple of times it quickly became annoying. Dick had decided to go and take a shower and give you some space. You were watching your favorite t.v. show, when you felt something kick you and you gave out yelp of surprise. Dick came running out with a towel wrapped around his waist and scanned the area for any intruders. 

"What is wrong?" he asked still worried

"The baby-" you started, but was interrupted by Dick.

"What is wrong with him? Is he hurt? Did he hurt you?"

"Just come here" you said. He made his way over to you and let you take his hand and place it on your enlarged stomach, you had played the show that had been paused. Once it had started again the baby started to kick again. He laughed and hugged you and stayed with you for a little and then went back to his shower.

Wally ;)

He was cuddling with you on the couch eating and watching some movies. He was laying on your legs and had his ear against your stomach listening to your guys baby boy move around. He started to fall asleep when he felt something kick his head. He looked at you and you shook your head and pointed to your stomach. He turned his head more, and again the baby kicked him. He gently flicked your stomach and the baby kicked hard.

"OUCH! Don't rally him up! It hurts after a bit." You told Wally sternly. He quickly pecked your stomach and sat up. You leaned onto him and he kissed your head.

"He's feisty" he said, you chuckled and agreed.  

Conner :$

He was always speaking to your stomach, that or on a mission or playing with Jack and Kayla.One time when he was talking you felt a kick and gave a little jump. Quickly grabbing his hand and putting it on your stomach.

"Talk again" he did as he was told and again the baby kicked. He looked up at you with joy and pulled you close to him and layed his head onto your stomach.

"I love all of you guys." he whispered.

Aqualad :3

You and Kaldar were asleep in bed and he had you tucked into his chest with your stomach on his as well. He love to feel both of his girls with him. On this pacticular night he was being kicked in the stomach. Of course it woke him up, and you in the process. When you guys realized the kicking was from the baby you guys broke out into grins. He bent down and kissed your stomach and then your lips. 

"I love you guys so much" he whispered

"We love you too" you had whispered back.

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