When your on your Period

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Hey guys, I noticed that i never did a period chapter. I felt the need to do one, since periods are a natural thing for us girls. I hope you guys like this, and letting you now that i'm going camping soon so there might not be any chapters any time soon. (Like that's a big change lol)

Robin :)

When you're on your period, you sorta turn into Wally. You eat everything, and clean the fridge out almost everyday.  Dick runs to the store so you wont become a cranky monster and kill him for not feeding you. 

Flash ;)

You were a lazy little bugger always sleeping. One time Wally tried waking you up to at least get you to eat something, but you punched him in the face and threw him out of the bedroom. Wally had fun and turned it into a game, making the rest of the gang wake you up and avoid the crazed period lady.

Superboy :P

You were an emotional wreck, almost like a bipolar person. Happy then thirty seconds later a completely raging person ready to kill someone. You also would like to play games with Conner then again rage on what is happening.

Aqualad :3

You loved to cuddle, you forced Kaldar to stay with you and not go on any type of missions. He was yours and that's it. Nobody could take you away from him. He just let you cuddle and sleep with him.

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