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Robin ;)

Some time ago, you began to notice that Dick wasn't like he use to be, he wouldn't spend time with you anymore, and he was hardly around the house as well. Finally, one day you snapped at him.

" Why are you ignoring me! What have I done to deserve this? " You screamed

He turned to you with a look full of hatred in his eyes. Your strong facade wavered, but you quickly fixed that.

" My problem is YOU, I can't have a day to myself now that we have gotten you back! I don't even know why we saved you, should have left you there!" With that you turned tears in your eyes and sprinted out of the house and away from least for now.

Kid Flash :)

Wally had been arguing about everything with you lately. Weather it'd about wearing sweats or not enough makeup for him to have you around the guys. He was arguing right now about how you never clean anything, even though you do.

"I'm out fighting the bad guys to protect YOU and the people of this CITY, and the most I expect you to do is at least clean up the place now and then." He yelled at you. You were on the bed in tears.

" I do clean the place up, if you would actually come home once in a while, then you would know that I slave over this place more than anybody else!" You  screamed back with just as much volume. This went back and forth for a good twenty minutes until he did the thing he is always good at, he ran.

Superboy :$

Kayla has been crying none stop, and no matter what you did she wouldn't stop. Knowing that Conner has the bond with her to make her calm down, you take her to him.

"Hey babe, Kayla is crying and I can't get her to calm down." You said

"So? What am I suppose to do about it?"

"You have the bond with her that I can't compare to, please just help me."

He sighs and takes her, she instantly calms down and he looks up at you.

"Why is it that I have to do everything for her? You can't even calm her down enough for her to fall asleep" he said as he gestured to the now sleeping baby.

"Are you serious! Is that what you think? Do you know how many nights I've had to get up to change her, feed her, and sooth her down to sleep? No you don't cause YOU and never here!" You whispered yelled at him and ran to your guys room. Packing the essentials and leaving the house to spend some time alone for awhile.

Aqualad :3

Kaldar is not as loving as you know he can be. He hasnt been the same since you came back to find out that you got your power. Walking outside of the cave, you decided to go ahead and visit your friends house. Going down onto her street you turn to see Kaldar walking around with another girl with his arm around her. Without thinking twice you ran to F/N house, tears in your eyes and didnt go home for awhile.

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