10- No, I'm Not In My Emo 'Phase'

Start from the beginning

Turning the shower on, I massaged shampoo into my scalp and scrubbed my body clean. Whatever makeup I had worn before had gone everywhere, mostly from rubbing my eyes so much. It hurt to even stretch down to clean my feet because PE had tortured the crap out of me. I yawned as I sat down at Amy's desk in my pyjamas.

Are Mum and Paul home?


My fists clenched. I mustn't get angry. Amy needed a night out, she was under a lot of pressure. I sighed. It was like my sister had manipulated me into thinking believing what she believed.

Yeah. Have a good night.


I wanted to be angry. I wanted the bottle of emotions to explode so I could be at peace. But deep down, I knew I couldn't pile my problems on other people's shoulders. I couldn't be selfish, I had to be strong for everyone.


My heart's still beating, therefore I am OK.

I repeated the words to myself as I slipped into my casual clothes and attempted at dezombieing myself. I stayed up until midnight revising and working on 'Gorgon's Blood'. I may have missed on a few hours of sleep but at least I was doing what I loved and that's all that mattered. I had felt so suffocated for the past week because of my lack of writing and my smile when I managed to carve out a good 1.5K words was jubilant and victorious.

I was at school early enough to search for Love and apologise. My morning didn't need to be spent in the library because I felt pretty confident about my history essay. I scoured the front of the gates looking for Love but there were only some Year 7s hanging about. . My heart sunk in disappointment and I swallowed.

"Good morning dear sister!" Amy's voice chirped and I looked up to see the Darwins close behind her.

"Morning to you too," I replied sullenly. "How did the party go?"

"Fab," Jessica smiled. "Was Martin alright? Did your night go well?"

"Sure," I nodded to satisfy her. "I've got to go before registration. Have a good day."

I gave her a smile that I hoped wasn't strained and didn't look forced before I dashed to my form room.

"Wait up!" I stopped in my tracks. Fred was by my side in seconds. "Damn you can walk fast when you want to get out of a situation with your sister."

"Why would you think I wanted to get out of the situation?" I demanded, raising an eyebrow.

"One, we're both going on that science trip. Two, we've still got six minutes until the bell goes."

My eyebrow plummeted. I just wanted to find Love and make things right again. "Why the long face?" he walked beside me, hands in jeans.

"I screwed up last week and I need to find Love and apologise but I can't find her. I haven't had the time to do much since Amy has gotten used to the nightlife over the past week,"

"Ahh. Ryan was telling me how he could barely drag both of them out of the party because they were so drunk."

I was silent. A tiny bit of rage expanded in my chest but I pushed it down. I was going to have a good day at this Science Museum and hopefully mend things between me and Love.

"You're pissed off," Fred commented.

"No I'm not!" I scowled and gripped my backpack.

"Yes you are! Come on, tell me what's up!"

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