author's note

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heyo kiddies.

so after a year (oh god) i have finally finished this book and oh boy i have never felt so relieved. firstly, i apologize, because as the time goes i realized my writing had gone really bad and at the same time i had tried to finish as fast as possible causing a really abrupt ending.

many of you may find it unsatisfying so i apologize too because yes this might be the original ending (i always loved a mini 'cliffhanger' to my endings) but it might not went the way i had originally started it off for.

but nevertheless, thank you for all those who had stayed throughout the entire journey of ara and yoongi hehe. and thank you all for supporting me all the way. thank you so much and nothing can express my gratefulness hehe.

i'm not too sure on where to continue yet, be it starting circuit because i realized action isn't really my fonté, or starting a new romance short story hahahaha! it'll be something like 2nd but don't worry i'll make sure to plan it well this time.

so thank you all once again. and i hope you had enjoyed 2nd!


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