
And waking up was too good, so good it was a drag to get out of bed. To peel my eyes off him was too hard. But as soon as I stepped out the shower again I felt like I had washed it all off me. All the things I felt seemed all off my shoulder. Combing through my tangled hair the door opened revealing Gerald. Not saying a word he sleepily walked towards the shower stepping under it turning on the water. After a while the water stopped running and he got out wrapping a towel around his hips. One arm around my shoulders he looked right at me in the mirror.

"You ready?" He asked, I put my hand on his arm just looking at our reflection. "You look good today." He said the kissing my cheek.

"You didn't tell me that yesterday." I laughed kissing his arm slightly.

"I'm not tryna turn you narcissistic." He laughed, "you might leave me then."

"Yeah look out for that." He chuckled his lips brushing my ear moving down to place a kiss on my neck.

"Let's get ready, we have a flight to catch." He said kissing my shoulder one last time stepping back actually slapping my ass.

"Do that one more time, I'ma kill you." I said following him out the bathroom.

"Here I go getting threatened by you again." He laughed again, "fuck, I forgot this isn't my room."

"You want me to lend you some clothes?" I asked.

"I would love them, though your jeans might fit me."

"I'm not that fucking lanky." I said pretending to be offended.

"My ass wouldn't fit in though, I would look like I shit myself with all that access cloth hanging around."

"Your ass isn't that bad."

"I'm just fishing for compliments here." I laughed changing into jeans and a shirt.

"Get your lanky ass out of here." I said hitting him slightly with the towel.

"I'll see you down there." He brushed his hands through my damp hair holding my head. He grinned down at me. "You really do look fucking beautiful today."

"What's up with you today?" I laughed.

"Nothing." He said pitching his voice.


"Don't get scared again." He chuckled giving me a swift kiss and then he was out the door. And there I stood, felt like his hands were still on me. Like his eyes were still staring not letting me go.

I let myself fall on the bed and it was probably all in my mind but I could smell him in the sheets and I was smiling about it. Smiling about the fact that everything around me was stained with his scent, I was probably the item in this room that was most stained by him. And thinking of how notoriously I used to wash sheets when they smelled like Luke in anyway and right now I was practically bathing in Gerald made me seriously question if I was insane. Trying to get out of my mind I got off the bed packing my suitcase wheeling it down to the lobby through the elevator. Being the last one to arrive there Grady was already grinning at me.

"Shut up." I said before he was able to talk.

"It's just fascinating, you know?"

THINK ABOUT YOU / G-EAZYWhere stories live. Discover now