[6] I've Never Seen You Laugh

Start from the beginning

"Would I be able to borrow a pen?" I ask him although I literally have one in my pencil case.

"Don't you have your own?" He grunts.

I snort but try to keep a smile plastered on my face. "Obviously not, otherwise I would be using it."

He rummages through his bag until he finds a chewed, blunt pencil and throws it in my direction. "Here, use that. I don't have another pen. Now leave me I'm trying to work."

I huff and turn away to complete the sheet that had been given out. After a while I notice that he has just got out another black pen from his pocket. "Ha!" I shout and point an accusative finger at him. "You do have a pen!"

"No shit Sherlock." He rolls his eyes at me.

"Then why didn't you give it to me?" I ask like I'm extremely offended.

"Because I'm using it." He says bluntly. "Now stop being so annoying."

I roll my eyes. "Well what turned you into Grumpy the Dwarf?" I mutter.

I think I've been watching too many of my brother's TV shows from the fact that my insults are slowly going downhill. They were good though...

He raises his eyebrows. "Did you just call me a character from Snow White?"

"Yeah." I shrug dismissively. "So?" He gives a small chuckle and shakes his head. Oh my god, did I actually just hear that right? "You laughed!" I yell excitedly with a shocked expression.

He stares at me. "Yeah. So?"

"I've never seen you laugh before."

"Well there's not always that much to laugh about." He grunts and shuts himself away from me again.

And that was the end of our amazing conversation.


"Movie night on Friday, right?" I ask Rebecca.

"Sounds good." She nods. We always have our movie marathon together every Friday night whilst scoffing on chocolate bars.

What? You can't blame us.

"Yeah count me in!" Zeke calls excitedly from behind me as he interrupts our conversation. I didn't realise he was there.

I turn to face him and lean against the lockers. "Seriously?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah I did say I would join you and I keep my promises." He says proudly, hand on heart.

"Movie night? Count me in." Mace nods energetically as he comes up to us.

"Bro you're not invited." Zeke pokes.

Mace narrows his eyes at him playfully. "Well neither were you, mate."

Zeke stands up from his position where he was leaning against his locker, "Yeah, well—"

"Hey guys." I see two grinning boys call in sync. "What's going on?"

I love HER ✔️ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now