Regina cupped emma's face in the palm of her hands, her thumb gently brushing the temple of the blonde's head. She gazed in those scared bright green eyes that were full of love, compassion, and dwelled in light. Regina pressed her lips against emma's forehead, as she gently put emma on her chest. Emma was tucked perfectly underneath Regina's chin, she could feel regina's hot breath breeze through her hair. They sat there for no more than twenty whole minutes waiting for whoever was up above to leave. Regina walked to the middle of the room, looking over to emma as she reached her hand. She shakily got up from the bench, her hand just quickly found it's way to regina's.

"I think they're gone". The brunette whispered. Emma barley nodded. She attacked regina with a bare hug, her back faced to the door above the steep stairs. Regina held emma tightly, never wanting to let her go. She felt so fragile in her arms, a need to protect her emma swan no matter what. Emma gasped lightly, her body tensed up against regina's. She tried to get oxygen in her lungs as she struggled to breathe.


The blonde lifted her head from regina's shoulder, putting one hand on it, trying to contain her balance. She then looked down to see blood flowing from her chest.

"NO No No!".

Emma fell into regina's arms, guiding them both down to the floor.

"Emma come on, come on!". Regina lightly slapped emma's face, squeezing her cheeks as she shook emma.

"Regina, I'm scared'.

Emma's eyes rolled back. Every ounce of pain that emma has felt over the years, she was free from all of it.

"No, Emma please please come back, please, please!".

Regina violently collided her fist with the floor board, banging it several times next to emma's head until it was broken. Their was so much pain, so much agony, she could not take it anymore.

"I never got the chance to get to know you. I promised I would protect you".

Regina's eyes shot open, panting and sweating.

"It was just a dream. Thank god"

Emma opened her eyes slowly to the bright light. She propped her hand on the wooden bench, rolling her neck until it popped. Regina's head was against the wall that was supporting her back. Emma just forgot everything that was happening. She couldn't contain her enjoyment of happiness she had for regina mills. The brunette slept so peacefully, truly an angel. Emma lingered her lips just for second above her forehead, pushing her warm lips on regina's warm skin. That kiss upon her lips lingered the taste of sweet apples, so full of wisdom and courage just like regina. The blonde took a small step back, seeing regina was starting awake. Emma couldn't help but smile warmly when the brunette stretched.

"Did you kiss my forehead?". Regina raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow, a tight smirk and smile curved her lips.

Emma played with her fingers, shrugging her shoulders a couple of times.

"No you're crazy. You were just dreaming, gina".

Regina just laughed, getting up from the bench. She laid her hand on both of emma's arms, squeezing her gently.


"I forgot the R"

"No worries, I think it's cute"

"I guess I'll call you on gina then"

"But only you can". They both smiled.

Thirty minutes passed by. They both could hear people talking. They both knew it wasn't the police force coming to rescue them. Emma found herself getting scared again. Even Regina

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