Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Sorry girls! We have to leave now." Ashton and I waved to the girls as they went back to their lives and we continued our walk. We had been out for about twenty minutes, ten minutes was spent was talking to the girls.

For a while of our walk, we spent silent, until Ashton stopped walking and I became confused. That was until I realised we were at a beach. The place was almost empty, although it was perfectly fine weather.

"Why are we here? We don't even have bathers or anything?" I questioned, but he just laughed in return.

"You don't have to swim at the beach you know? We can just walk around."

"We have been walking since we left the house!"

"But I also have something to show you!" He took my arm, and started to sprint along the sand. He was almost acting as though we were a couple, which made me happier, knowing that our relationship together wasn't ruined.

Soon, the two of us reached a cave, and I felt like I was in a cliché movie, the ones where everything romantic happens at the beach. As I was hoping that it would happen to me, Ashton started to explain why he dragged me here.

"I used to come here when I was about fourteen until I was eighteen." He explained, and I nodded, I didn't see anything special about it, but I might've just had to wait. At the top he had wrote five tally marks and 'SOS', underneath he wrote what he thought.

"Well when I joined the band, I wrote what I thought about you three on the wall." We walked further back in the cave, until we reached writing on the wall. I could barely make it out, but after a while I did.

'Luke -

He's very shy, I don't know if I'll be friends with him, but I can try. I feel like he has a huge secret he's hiding from the other 3 hmm.

Calum -

I like him a bit, I think I need to get to know him a bit more. I like some of the bands he likes.

Michael -' There wasn't anything under my name, which made me a bit disappointed. I was looking foward to his first impression on me, but I guess I couldn't.

"Why isn't there anything there?"

"Uhm, I didn't have time, my mum called me over before I could." He explained, but I could hear the lying through him.

*Ashton's POV*

As I looked at the writing, Michael's part, I remembered the day that it happened. I don't even really know why I lied, maybe I just didn't want him to know what I was going to write.


"Come to the beach with Harry, Lauren and I, Ashton!" My mother called, and I groaned before putting on a pair of thongs and walking to the rest of them. I had been enjoying talking to Michael, Luke and Calum on Facebook, especially Michael, but now I would have to hang out with my family.

I enjoyed the beach, don't get me wrong, I especially liked going to this cave, but my siblings enjoyed following me every where so I couldn't go without being annoyed. And the cave was the only place I could have peace sometimes.

As soon as we arrived at the beach, I noticed that the place was filled, and after a moment I had already lost my mother. Instead of searching for my family, I raced off into the direction of the cave. It wasn't that close to the beach so it wouldn't have anyone else in it.

When I reached the cave, I lay down thinking about the boy I met just a few days ago. He had amazing eyes that were kind of green that I could stare at all day. He played guitar, and his name was Michael.

But I wasn't gay was I? I didn't have anything against gays, but I didn't think I would be one? I've had girlfriends before! Well it was about five years ago, when I was about thirteen, but still.

As I stared at the wall of the cave, I came up with an idea to see if I liked Michael or not. I would just write what I thought of him on the wall with a rock. Instead of doing just Michael, I did the other two boys as well.

After I had wrote a sentence or two about the others, not particually interesting, I came down to Michael. I wondered what I should write for a while, but I couldn't put it into words. I hadn't known this boy for a while, but every move he had done had made me happy. There was something about him that made me want him, I just didn't know what it was.

"We found Ashton!" I heard a familiar voice yell from the outside of the cave, it was one of my friends, Thomas. Next thing I knew, I had three of my friends in the cave. Dropping the rock, I ran out of the cave, hoping that they would follow me, which they did.

"Hey Ash! Your mum told us you went this way." He explained, I could just see my mother in the distance. It annoyed me that they had found the place that I spent my time when I wasn't inside and when I was alone, and it terrified me that they might have looked and saw what I was writing. I had no reason to be scared, but I still was.


Michael ignored me most of the walk back, I understand why he was mad, but he didn't even know what I was going to write and why I didn't. Why did he have to act like this sometimes?

As we walked up to the apartment, I admired Michael's hair from behind. It was sexy, I just wanted to grab onto it as he thrusted into me, or the other way round.

"I love you." I mumbled as we entered the apartment, hoping he didn't hear it. He turned around for a moment, but then ignored me again. All heads turned to us when we entered, but turned back to the movie quickly. They were watching 'Marley and Me', and I noticed that only Becca and Savannah were interested in that one.

When I made it to my bedroom, I realised I had a problem on my hands. Or should I say I problem in my pants.

-{ I don't even know why I ended it that way, so don't ask aha.

Anyway, should I start asking you questions at the end of each chapter, or something like that? I'm going to do it for this chapter, and if you don't like it I'll stop.

Okay, so people have been talking about Gemma Styles and Ashton, would you ship it if they were in a relationship? }-

Notes // MashtonWhere stories live. Discover now