Chapter 14

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Erin POV

I slipped out of my old bed, careful not to wake up Marr and Kylynn. I stretched and rubbed my eyes. I went into the bathroom and washed my face. I hate to walk past a mirror - a constant reminder that the man I'm in love with, doesn't love me.

I thought Dre really loved me, obviously not. Nobody that loves somebody would look that person square in the face and hit them. We're over, there is no working it out.

When I stepped out of the shower, I did my daily routine then opened up one of my suitcases. I decided on a white shirt, turquoise jump suit and grape 5s. I had to buy makeup last night to cover up this bruise until it goes away. When I finished, I brushed my hair and walked back into my room.

I got my phone, keys and purse. The kids are good here with my parents. I need some me time and peace. I went to a park downtown and got out. Me and Dre used to come here a lot.

I sat down on a swing and looked up at the sky. I clicked the home button on my phone and looked at my lock screen. It was a picture of me in one of Dre's shirts. He was standing behind me with his arms wrapped around me. I got the bottle of Alize from my purse and opened it.

I never pictured myself in this situation. What am I gonna do with my shop? I miss Atlanta but LA is where my life is right now. Marr and Kylynn have lots of friends there and I don't want to separate them.

I turned up the Alize, thinking about all our memories - the day we got into that argument when we first met, prom night, when I found out I was pregnant, him proposing at the baby shower, him coming to my front door after I thought he was dead and we got married that same day. That nigga is all of my past.

"Erin?" I turned around and saw an unfamiliar face.

"Who are you?"

"We met in college, I'm Will."

"That names sounds familiar," I said standing up.

"Remember I showed you around campus? I invited you to beer pong but you were pregnant so you couldn't come. Me and Dre fought at the gas station."

"Oh! I remember you."

"Damn," he put his hand over his heart, "that hurt my feelings."


"Babe! Come on!" I heard a girl yell. I turned to see Tanji walking up to us with a baby bump.


"It's me," I said.

"I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I know."

"Didn't you move to Tahiti?"

"Nah, Cabo then LA."

"Sounds exciting. So what you doing here?"

"Visiting my parents."

"Ok then. It was really nice seeing you."

"Same here. Bye y'all."

"Bye Erin," Will gave me a hug and they walked off. Everybody has somebody except me.


I stepped out of my rental car. I haven't seen my old hood since that day I went into hiding some years ago. It feels good to be back but I got shit to do.

I walked up to Erin's parent's house. I'm nervous to see her. I knocked on the door and waited.

"Dre'Shaun? Why are you here?" her mother asked.

"For Erin, I love her."

"Boy please!" she tried to shut the door in my face but I stopped it with my foot. "Lil' boy, don't play with me."

"Just let me speak to her!"

"No!" I moved my foot and she slammed the door, locking it. I saw Marr look out the window at me. I walked over to the window.

"Let it up lil man," I said to him. He shook his head and closed the curtain. She turned my son on me?

I saw Erin's car from high school pull up. She pulled into the driveway and stepped out of the car.

"Erin." She stopped and looked up. "Come here baby, let me talk to you." She dropped her purse and took off towards the backyard. I ran behind her. She jumped the fence and ran into the house, using the back door. Damn!

I got into my car and drove down the block to the corner store. I picked up a prepaid phone and paid for it. I walked out and sat in my car. I activated it then typed Erin's number in.


"Erin what you run for?"

"You think I'm finna let you beat my ass again?" she yelled.

"Baby calm down."

"Baby? Nigga we done! You can get your ring and everything you bought me 'cause Erin? Me? I was good before you and I'll be fine without you!" I ain't gon' lie, that shit hurt.

"It was a mistake Erin."

"Shut up! I took you back after all those times you cheated, I held you down through it all, had your son, quit college and everything but you got the audacity to rear back and punch me in my face? And I hope you enjoyed your son these past years 'cause he dead ass hates you now!"

"We can work this out, I love you E."

I heard a beep and looked at the phone, she hung up in my face. "Fuck!" I hit the steering wheel.

I pulled up to my old house. I got my suitcases and unlocked the door. Everything just how I left it. I still had my maid cleaning up once a week 'cause for some reason, I knew I'd have to come back. I didn't know it was gonna be under these circumstances though.

I walked into Wal-mart, going straight to the grocery side of the store. I picked up two big pizzas and some hot wings. I went on the ice cream aisle and saw someone familiar. I turned my head when I realized who it was.

"Dre'Shaun!" she came down the aisle walking fast.

"What?" It was Kylynn's real momma, Brandy.

"What you doing down here?"


"Where is my baby?"

"Girl if you don't fuck out my face with this bullshit man."

"Where is she?"

"With her momma!"

"That bitch is not her momma!"


I got my ice cream and put it in the cart. I pushed it on down the aisle. I saw Kylynn come down the aisle, followed by Marr. I froze up.

"Ky," I called to her, she looked up. "Come here lil' momma." she smiled and ran towards me.

"Ky no!" Marr said and she stopped running.

"Its just daddy Marr." I picked her up and she kissed my cheek.

Erin and her momma came down the aisle and Marr pointed to us. Erin turned red and came towards me, slowly.

"Put her down."

"Girl this my child!"

"Yeah bitch!" Brandy said and came up behind me.

"Bitch you know the deal, don't act up!" Erin said, her momma tried to hold her back. "Put my child down!"

"Mommy its just daddy!" Ky said to her.

"Ky why you being stupid?!" Marr asked her, getting mad.

"Lil' boy watch how you talking to your sister," I commanded.

"You ain't my daddy! Don't talk to me!" he said to me.

Brandy ran up on Erin and they started fighting. Kylynn started screaming for Erin to stop. Erin's momma grabbed Marr and Erin's daddy come from around the corner. We made eye contact instantly. I put Kylynn down and put my hand on my strap.

"You remember what I told you over the phone don't you?" he asked.

"You don't put no fear in me nigga!"

"Put the strap down then lil' bitch."

I heard police sirens. I put the gun in Brandy's purse. Me and Erin's daddy went at it. I ain't gon' lie, this strong ass nigga whooping my ass and Erin is over there whooping Kylynn's momma. The police pushed Erin, her daddy, Brandy and I against the freezers and cuffed all of us. You win some, you lose some.

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