Chapter 12

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It's been a month since that phone call. I remember it so well. I cry all day, all night and anytime else. I want so very badly to be strong for my kids but how? I'm a mess!

Whenever I see Marr, I cry even more because he's the spitting image of Dre. Kylynn is so naive, she knows nothing about stuff like this but she's just a little girl, she hasn't had the same experiences as Marr.

I jumped up from the bed when my phone rang, grabbing it off the dresser. I sighed heavily when I saw that it was one of my employees. Yes, I still have hope and I believe Dre is still alive; at least I tell myself that I believe it.

"Hello?" I answered dryly, grabbed another Kleenex and laid back in the bed.

"Hey Erin!" Trish said through the phone. She is always so happy and energetic, I am not in the mood.

"Hey," I tried to make myself comfortable.

"Are you still in the damn bed? It's two o'clock in the evening! Get up and wash your ass."

"Trish, I don't have time for this. If you not gonna come wash my ass for me then don't worry about it."

"You know what? You gonna just rot laying in bed all damn day, waiting on Dre. Accept it, he's gone! Okay? Get your shit together and be there for your kids! I never thought I'd say anything negative about you but those kids have one poor, dried up, selfish ass bitch for a mother! Build a bridge and get over it!"

She hung up in my face and I threw my phone against the wall. I heard feet running towards my room then Marr peeked his head in.

"I was just making sure you okay, I heard a thud or something."

"I'm fine," I answered.

"Not really," he closed the door behind him and climbed into my bed.


"Momma I mean no disrespect but you look a mess. I never saw you looking like this before. Pops might be gone but you gotta be strong, I am. I cried a few nights after it happened but then I sucked it up 'cause I gotta be here for y'all."

I walked over to a mirror and was disturbed and disgusted at what I saw - I look like a crackhead! This isn't me. Trish and Marr are right.

"Thank you baby, I'm gonna get it together," I walked over to my closet then turned around. "Do you think your daddy is dead?"

"Nope, he's my daddy," Marr said like it was so simple. He smiled at me and left the room. What would I do without Marr?

I opened my closet door, walking in. I picked out a dark blue, long sleeve shirt, white jeans, dark blue Uggs, a white scarf and silver accessories. I laid it out on the bed then went into my bathroom to bathe.

When I was finished, I brushed my teeth, got dressed, did my hair and sprayed perfume. I put on lip gloss and got my phone.

"Marr! Kylynn! Are y'all dressed?"

They peeped their heads out of their bedroom doors. Marr looked happy and Ky looked surprised. Both of them were dressed and ready to go.

We decided to take Dre's red Audi out for a spin and enjoy the weather. The sun was shining but it was still really cool outside.

We pulled up to the mall and walked in. Ky wanted to go in Justice so we walked in and she immediately took off. Me and Marr followed behind her.

"I don't think she gonna take that long," I told him.

"She can take her time," Marr was looking at this little girl that seemed to be about his age.

"You a mess," I said. I shook my head and watched Ky shop.

When she was finished, the cashier rung it all up and put her clothes into bags. She was cheesing super hard as I paid for it. She picked up bags and I picked up the rest and we followed Marr down the mall.

"Let's go in here momma!" Marr called to me. We walked in game stop and he ran straight to a certain spot like he came here on a mission.

"What you want baby?" I asked him.

"This right here," he pointed to a poster with a PS4 on it.

"How much is it?" I asked. A worker walked up, interrupting Marr.

"It's sold out," she said with an attitude.

"Oh really?" I asked. "When will you get another shipment?"

"Who knows?"

"You're supposed to, don't you work here? You knew enough to come over here telling me it was sold out."

"It's not sold out, the manager just told me he has one more," A guy walked over to us. "To save you any trouble, or police coming, get this one and just pay me so you don't have to waste any more time in here."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah he sure momma!" Marr butted in, I gave him a look.

"Momma?" the man asked.

"Early pregnancy," I informed him, cutting the explanation short. I paid and thanked him before walking out of the store.

"One more stop," Marr said running into Foot Locker. He picked up a pair of Nikes, admiring them. "Can I get 'em?"

"Yeah," I looked for a worker. "Excuse me," I stopped a teenager.


"I need these in a youth five," I said pointing to the shoe.

"Sure," she went to the back of the store and came back shortly after with his shoes. He tried them on then nodded, telling me they fit. I bought them then we left.

"I want my ears pierced," he blurted out once we were in the car.


"My daddy's ears are pierced," he said.

"He doesn't wear his diamonds anymore though so how would you know?"

"Pictures ma, duh!"

"Shut up lil' boy, don't 'duh' me."

He turned the radio on and we headed to Sky Zone, their favorite place. Marr is such a damn hand full. Watch, when we get there, I'm gonna be acting like a big ass kid.

"Erin? Is that you?" Trish ran towards me, arms wide open. I'm not surprised she asked that, I haven't been to my salon since everything happened.

"Yeah, it's me."

"I'm so happy you back!"

"Me too, let's get it rolling," I said turning on the lights at the station. "I have eight appointments today."

"Let's get this money then," she said smiling and went to her station beside mine.

My first client walked in and sat down. She's a stripper and a big tipper, one of my favorites. She's so high maintenance when it's comes to her hair but it's nothing I can't get right for her.

"Hey boo," she said sitting down.

"Hey Toni, how you?"

"I'm great, Jerome back from upstate," she smiled from ear to ear, referring to her boyfriend Jerome. They been rocking since she was in seventh grade, that's a long ass time.

"I know you happy."

"Girl yes! And sore," I burst out laughing, "I'm serious, he like the energizer bunny!"

"You crazy, come on," I walked over to the washing bowls and she sat down, leaning back. I began rinsing her hair.

I heard the bell go off, signaling the door opening. I didn't look up. I heard my receptionist's voice, "Hello, how may I help you?" she asked seductively.

"Is Erin here?" a deep voice asked.

"Yeah, she in the back at the washing stations."

I looked up and saw Vonte walking towards me. All the ladies and workers in the shop were staring at him. He made it to where I was and gave me a hug.

"What's up E?"

"What's up E? Nigga where have you been?" I asked, jumping down his throat.

"Whoa, what's the problem?" he asked, I sucked my teeth at him.

"Trish, can you finish shampooing her?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure thing."

I wiped my hands and walked to my office with Vonte right behind me. He shut the door behind him and sat. I crossed my arms.

"What I do?"

"I haven't heard from you in a month!"

"I know, my bad."

"Is he dead?" I asked, why beat about the bush?



"Hell nah, we all left out that bitch together. Them Jamaicans tortured our asses for about three days but we finished business."

"Well he never came back so where the fuck is he? Huh?"

"I don't know E! I thought he was home and shit, laying low just chilling."

"I haven't seen or heard from him since that day," I began to cry.

"Word?" Vonte pulled me in, embracing me. I cried into his shirt. His phone started ringing - Donovan.

I went into my bathroom and wiped my tears, moving hair out of my face. I can't stay up for anything, I miss my husband.

"Erin," Vonte walked into the bathroom.


"Donovan said he got a call from Dre earlier, he's in Mexico."

"Fuck he doing in Mexico? And what made him call a nigga before he called his wife?" I was furious. "Donovan ain't nowhere shedding bookoo tears for Dre!"

"Just calm down," he said.

"I'm fucking calm Vonte!"

"We gon' go get him, I promise."

I brushed past him and walked back to my station. I got a comb, parting her hair as Vonte walked past, eyeing me. I looked away and started to make conversation with Toni.

Dre P.O.V

Man these bitches got me down here in Mexico, fucking Mexico. I just want to leave and get back to Los Angles. I miss my wife and my kids and I know they miss me, too.

It's like, once you in the game, you can't ever leave it. Years after you done with it, shit still coming back to haunt you. Way back when I was sixteen, I woulda never started this shit. I woulda found another route if I woulda known I'd be with Erin.

I feel like I fucked up everything. I done cheated on her like three or four times, got another kid from it, all that plus more but she ain't leave; at least not permanently. And I couldn't even keep her and my kids out of harm's way, what kind of man am I?

I be praying all the time now. Asking God to forgive me and just show me the way out of here and back home. I stole one of their phones and called Donovan but they busted in and took it.

I guess I'll just go to sleep or something, nothing else to do. Nobody to kiss on and rub on - damn I miss Erin.




I snapped my head up. Fuck going on? I crawled to the door and peeped through the knob hole. The dudes that had me held hostage were laying on the floor in a pool of blood with fingers stuffed inside their mouths.

I saw two dudes walk out calmly like nothing had happened. I waited about five minutes, nobody came back so I'm out. I kicked the door down and got my phone out of one of their pockets along with some keys.

When I walked out, I found a black Buick. I unlocked it and got in pulling off. I put LA in the GPS and started on my journey.

Almost four hours later, I made it to LA. I'm sleepy, hungry, and a couple other things that only Erin can fix. I left the Buick at a pier and walked back towards the highway.

I decided to flag down a taxi. After about five minutes, I got one and gave him my address. I'm not even gonna bother Vonte or Donovan and I want to surprise Erin.

I turned the knob quietly when I got home. I'm tired of Erin leaving the door unlocked, I told her 'bout that shit. I walked into the den and saw my baby, my wife, my heart, kissing another man.

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