Chapter 4

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Vonte's back. I can't believe this, I thought he was dead. He talking 'bout taking my baby from me? I'll kill that nigga!

I got up and walked downstairs. Erin's face was red and she was pacing back and forth like she was mad and wanted to hit something.

"What's wrong?"

"I'ma kill her!"


"I'ma kill her! R.I.P!"

"Kill who?"

"Your baby mama!"

"What did she do?"

"She been beating on Kylynn!"

"What? How you know?"

"I was running her bath water, she took her clothes off and I saw bruises everywhere! I asked what happened and she said her mama told her not to tell us or she gon do it again. That bitch think she taking my baby? Wait!" She yelled. I was beyond pissed.

After about 15 minutes I heard the doorbell rang. I knew it was my baby mama. Before I could get to the door, Erin ran down the staircase and to the door. She had on basketball shorts, a tee & some tennis shoes with her hair in a pony tail.

"Come on in." She said and led her to the living room.

"Where's Kylynn?"

"That's something you don't need to be worried about."

"Excuse me?"

"You need to be worried about right."


"This right bitch!" Erin said and punched her dead in the face.

She fell to the floor and Erin got on top of her. My baby mama is way bigger than Erin so she flipped her but she only started slapping and pulling hair. Erin head butted her and she fell back. Erin gripped her hair and drug her to the back door while she was hitting her at the same time. Erin drug her all the way to the pool.

"Erin hold on, Erin!" I said going after them.

"Fuck all'at! Sink or swim bitch!" Erin pushed her in and walked past me back into the house.

My baby mama got out of the pool breathing hard and soaking wet.

"What the fuck wrong with that hoe?"

"You been beating my child?"

"What? No!"

"You a fucking lie! Don't come back for her either and if you tell the police, we gon show them what you did! Jump the gate and leave." I locked the back door and walked upstairs.

"You aight?" I asked Erin.

"Yup." She fixed her hair then walked out.

Erin POV

I always gotta fix bitches, call me the attitude adjuster. I got Kylynn dressed after I did then we went to my salon. When we walked in, everybody was going crazy over how precious and beautiful she is.

"Who is this Erin?"

"My daughter."

"What? I didn't know you had a daughter all this time!"


"She's beautiful."

Dre came through the door looking mad and Marr was with him. He came in with his iPod and headphones and sat down on the couch.

"Lemme talk to you." Dre said and walked off. I followed him outside.

"What's up baby?"

"Your little boyfriend!"


"Vonte crazy ass playing on my phone and shit! Telling me he gon cuff you and saying what he gon do to you! You better find him before I do!"

"Chill, why you even letting him get to you?"

"I don't play about you! I'll murk that punk ass motherfucker!"

"You need to calm down then leave cuz you talking loud as hell and you making me look unprofessional!"

"Fuck all that, you know I don't play about you!" He started pacing.

"You got me aight? He don't so why you acting out? If I was going somewhere, I woulda been gone a long time ago." He looked at me then pulled me to him.

"Aight baby."

"Gimme kiss." I said.

We were kissing when I heard a thud so I pulled back and looked into my shop, everybody was staring then played it off. I just laughed. I kissed him again.

"I love you."

"I love you too Dre but I gotta get back to work."

"I'ma be at the studio."

"You gon be there late tonight?"

"Maybe." I sucked my teeth.

"Yeah aight, see you later then." He grabbed me.

"So you gon act?" He got in my face.

"Maybe." I said just like he said to me. I walked back towards the door. He slapped my ass then got in his car and left. I walked back into the salon.

"Girl I wish I had a relationship like y'all."

"I know right? Y'all go from arguing to making up in seconds, I love that but my nigga so difficult."

"I heard Erin got that million dollar so he know not to act up."

I burst out laughing and Marr did too. I looked at him then he looked back down at his game. He acts more like a 9th grader than 1st. I shook my head. It's crazy cuz the ones who want Dre just don't know what goes along with being with him.

I was playing Marr's game with him when my phone started ringing. He paused the game so I could answer it. I didn't recognize the number.


"Erin this is Jason, you need to hurry up and come to the studio. Please hurry."

"What? What happened?"

"Dre'Shaun is arguing with some guy by the name of Vonnie or some shit just come down here cuz nobody can calm him down except you."

"You mean Vonte? I'm on the way." I hung up the phone and left the room to get my keys and shoes.

"Mama where you going?"

"To get your daddy."

"What happened?"

"He got into an argument, I'll be back."

"Can we go?"

"No just stay here."

"We only in the first grade, we can't stay alone."

"Come on then Marr, get Ky."

I got to the studio where Dre usually records. Police were outside, I pray Dre hasn't hurt this dude. I told them to stay in the car while I got out and walked over.

"I WILL END YO FUCKING LIFE BITCH!" I heard Dre yelling. I pushed through the crowd to see three big men holding him back.

"Dre come on." He elbowed me off of him without looking at me. I fell. "Dre!"

He looked down. His face was red, he was breathing so heavily and I could see so much anger on his face and in his eyes.

"Stop Dre!" He looked at me. He pulled me up. "Baby please come on, please."

He didn't move. I was tugging on his shirt but he stood in the same place, staring at Vonte.

"The kids are in the car and if you get arrested, I'm not coming for you okay? Then if you lose this record deal, one of us is moving out. I'm tired of your temper cuz you get mad about petty shit. Now come the hell on or get left."

I walked off towards the truck. I got in and he started walking towards it. Marr crawled to the back and Dre got into the passenger side.

When we got home, I tucked Kylynn in then went straight to my room. I took a bath and came out to put clothes on.

"Why you staring?" I asked.

"You were gon leave me?"

"No but that's the only way you would leave. It doesn't matter what Vonte said, you gotta find a way to chill. It's not that serious. When you see me around with him, that's when you act a fool. You acting like a crazy ass insecure person." He sighed heavily then turned over.

I'm so irritated with this. Does he not trust me? He has every reason to. I put on Nike shorts, running shoes and a tee. I don't wanna be around him at the moment so i'ma just go for a run. I got my headphones and walked down the stairs. I locked the door behind me and ran down the hill.

I had my headphones in listening to my baby Boosie. I was rapping along to it so I didn't notice anyone around me. I heard wheels screech then I got picked up and thrown in the back of a limo and was handed a glass of champagne, wtf? Why did I even leave the house man?

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