Connor V

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When I woke up, I had no idea how I'd gotten into this bed. I could feel Troye's arms around me and some of the panic faded but I still needed to know where I was. The last thing I remember properly is dancing at a nightclub in Perth with Troye, the two of us celebrating our reunion.

"Troye?" I asked, gently shaking his arm.

"Five more minutes..." He mumbled, rolling away from me.

"Troye." I tried again and this time, he woke up, looking at me.

"What? I was sleeping."

"Where are we?" He frowned.

"In LA. We got here a few hours ago. Don't you remember the flight and the cab ride from the airport?"

"No. It's all a blur."

"Wow. You were really drunk. How much did you have to drink?" I thought back, trying to remember.

"I don't know. I lost count when we started doing shots."

"You did shots. I stopped drinking before that. But I did watch you. There were a lot of shots taken by you."

"Oh god." I hung my head. My first time getting drunk and I'd gone way overboard. "I'm guessing I wasn't much of a plane companion?"

"Not really. We talked a little, mostly about being back together. At one point we were discussing whether to officially announce it because of all the tweets and stuff." He grinned. "We managed to sneak in a few little make-out sessions too."

"I don't remember any of it."

"I'm not surprised, actually. You were really out of it for a while. I had to practically drag you up to the room when we got here."


"It's okay. I'm taking it as punishment for what I said to you on the flight from Rome."

"You don't have to do that. I've already forgiven you."

"I know." He touched my cheek gently. "But I still feel like I need to make it up to you."

"Well, I think you can tick that box after looking after me with my hangover."

"How do you feel now?"

"Actually, pretty great. I think it's pretty much gone." Troye's tablet beeped in across the room, signalling a Skype message. Troye let go of me and climbed out of the bed.

"Sorry. It's probably Emma. I kind of ditched her to stay up here with you."

"Okay." I watched a smile spread across his face as he typed something back to whoever it was. "Was it Emma?"

"Shh." Now I was curious so I got up and crossed the room to stand behind him, peering over his shoulder. 


"Put a shirt on, man."

"Good to see you, Con."

"Why do you look like you've been hit by a bus, Connor?"

A whole flurry of comments hit my ears as the screen suddenly became filled with the faces of all our friends. I looked down at myself to see that, indeed, I wasn't wearing a shirt.

"When did my shirt come off?" I asked Troye who shrugged.

"I don't know. You were wearing one when I fell asleep. You must have taken it off at some point."

"Okay, ew. TMI guys." Niomi leaned forward,covering her ears with her hands and laughing.

"No, we weren't..." Troye scrambled to cover up the idea but Zoe beat him to it.

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