Never have I ever had a threesome

Start from the beginning

"Is this one staying in the video?" You asked.

"I'll skip our answers. I always keep one unanswered." He replied, shuffling his papers.

"Works for me. Answers in 1 2 3!" You all held up your boards

"You have?!" Joe asked you, with fake surprise.

"You too!" You scolded him. "You can't judge if you've done it too!"

"Looks like none of us can judge then." Jack said as you both looked at his answer.

"Yeah, no way we can keep that in the video." Joe laughed, dropping his papers.

Jack did his outro and you made your way to the kitchen. "I'm making pasta. You guys hungry?" You asked.

"I'm starved." Joe replied.

"I'm too drunk, so count me in." Jack said, coming to lean his head on your shoulder in true Jack fashion.

"You two look cozy." Joe commented, gathering ingredients for your late night meal.

"Mate, I'm sorry." Jack said backing away. "I didn't mean to overstep."

You laughed and Joe replied. "Buddy, you're good. Y/n can take care of herself. You won't get away with anything she doesn't want to happen." Joe clapped Jack on the shoulder.

"But aren't you two..." Jack trailed off.

"We're friends, Jack." You said, grabbing a box of pasta from Joe.

"And what a friend you are." Joe said, slipping his arms around your waist and pulling you in for a quick but passionate kiss.

"Am I that drunk or are you two confusing?" Jack asked, his eyes wide.

"We're good friends, mate. We just get a bit more intimate when we're both single. Which is most of the time." Joe laughed.

"Ah, friends with benefits." Jack answered. "Joe, I think your benefits are better than hers." He laughed.

"I don't know. I get plenty." you replied, smacking Joe on the butt.

Clearing his throat, Jack got up and joined you. "How can I help?"

"Why don't you cut those tomatoes up." You said, handing him a knife.

Dinner was fun. Flirty. Full of innuendo.

"So, I guess I should order an Uber." Jack said, messing around on his phone.

"Awww, you use us and ditch us" you said, sitting on Jack's lap. "I see how it is."

Jack's cheeks flushed and his hands ran down your thighs. "I just didn't want to overstay my welcome, love."

"You're always welcome." Joe said, coming to stand by the both of you, running his fingers through your hair.

Jack looked between the two of you, realizing Joe meant more than stay over at the house. "Are you I? You gotta use plain words, I don't want to embarrass myself." Jack said, his cheeks getting redder.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" You asked Joe.

"Babe, we're always on the same page. It's why we work." Joe replied, dipping down to kiss you.

"Come on." You said, hopping off of Jack's lap and pulling him from the chair.

Joe disappeared somewhere and you led Jack to the spare room. Walking him backwards against the bed, his knees hit the edge and he fell back onto the cushy surface. "Are you okay, Jacky?" You asked, gliding your hands up his clothed thighs.

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