Chapter 27: I Need You Too

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"You are staying here, end of discussion," Theo tells Anna.

"I can help—" Anna tries.

"No, you would cause a distraction." Theo snaps. "You can't fight. You don't heal quickly and Valack wants you."

"What?" Anna asks, confused.

"Never mind. Stay here with Hayden and Deucalion. Do not follow us." Theo repeats before leaving with the other three chimeras.

Anna sighs angrily and looks back at Hayden. "I hate him."

"I can tell." Hayden mutters.

"You could always just disobey," Deucalion suggests. Anna shifts uncomfortably.

"And risk him killing my brother. Like hell." Anna snaps.

"Theo won't kill Scott." Deucalion refutes. "Theo still wants power. Scott has the pack your Alpha always wanted. Killing your brother would mean he destroys that chance. Theo's just trying to scare you."

"I don't know that for sure." Anna mumbles.

"You do know someone's going to die, right?"

"What?" Both girls ask.

"If you don't go, someone will die trying to save Lydia. She's already predicted it. Go before it's too late."

Anna looks back at Hayden. "Go." The were-jaguar nods. "Save them."

Anna runs from the tunnels and runs to Eichen. By the time she gets there, the security guards have already been knocked out. She decides to go around the back and finds Parrish sitting in a van.

"What are you doing here?" He hisses, voice sounding strained.

His eyes flash orange as hers flash blue. "Saving my pack." Anna states.

"You need to—" He grunts in pain as his eyes turn the color of fire.

"You're shifting." Anna notices. She steps back as Parrish erupts into flames. His eyes turn blank as he gets out of the van and walks down towards the Closed Unit. Anna follows, noticing that she can't hear anyone talking to her.

Parrish makes it past a mountain ash barrier and Anna's eyes start to burn slightly. She knows her eyes are now glowing again as she hears voices. "Now what would a pack of Chimeras want with a Banshee?" Valack asks.

"I don't want a Banshee. I'm looking for a Hellhound." Theo announces. Parrish latches onto the gate and tears it down easily. Anna stands behind him, glaring at the others darkly.

"You wanted a Hellhound... I think you found one." Valack states. His eyes travel to the glowing royal blue eyes behind the hellhound and he smirks. "And I just found my clairvoyant."

Parrish walks forward, his whole body flickering with fire. He walks forward as Anna stays behind the gate. Corey and Josh emerge from Lydia's room as Tracy's grip on Valack's neck loosens slightly.

Groans of pain reach Anna's ears and she somehow recognizes them. "Liam..." She breathes. A loud growl rumbles through the halls. "Scott." A small smile spreads on her lips. Parrish's fire dies down and Theo grabs Lydia, pressing his claws against her neck.

Anna lets out a low growl, walking next to Parrish with a deadly look on her face. "Back off," Theo warns.

"Let her go," Anna tells him.

"I said back off." He repeats. "Take him." He tells his betas.

"Are you kidding? The guy's on fire!" Corey exclaims.

"You'll heal, do it!" Tracy goes first. Anna slips by the hellhound as he throws Tracy down. Josh goes next as Anna growls at Theo. "I told you to stay back."

"And I told you to let her go!" Before Anna can do anything, Valack drills a hole into Theo's leg. He falls to the ground in pain.

"Sorry, Theo, but I'm not done with them yet." He says.

"What are you doing?!" Anna yells as he picks up Lydia. "Let her go!"

"I need you too, Anna." He smirks before taking out a syringe. He lets Lydia lean against the wall before inserting the sedative into Anna's neck. She lets out a gasp before her eyes droop. Valack puts her over his shoulder as he grabs the banshee.

He turns around to see a very angry Stiles in the way. A shout comes from behind as Parrish lights Corey on fire and throws him towards the group. Valack moves just in time for Corey to slam into Stiles.

Valack moves quickly as he slams the door to the basement closed behind him. Stiles is a second too late and bangs against the door, calling out for the girls. 

I am so sorry, guys. I didn't even realize I forgot to name the chapter until a minute ago... 

I had a question for you all, and it doesn't really have to do with fanfiction. I know I promised to get another chapter of whatever you wanted for my birthday, but I got two people who commented. Thank you, by the way. 

Here's my question: I am working on a monologue/dialogue thing for a class of mine and I have two versions of a monologue. It's for a bible class, so it's based on Cain and Abel. Specifically, how Cain feels about Abel. Would you be interested in reading them and helping me figure out which one to work on and improve? I'll only post them for two or three days before deleting the chapters, but would you be interested? It's ok to say no because I'm sort of uncomfortable about it, but I sort of need help on which one to work on. Comment below if you're interested. 

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