BONUS Chapter: Comic Con Panel

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A/N: This is a little sneak peak into what's coming in a very vague way. Hope you enjoy!

Danielle Campbell's POV

I look down at the interviewer as he finishes up his question with Tyler. I sit next to Dylan Sprayberry on the end. I look back at him before taking a swig of the water bottle in front of me. 

"Well, I think that's enough of our questions. It's time to open it up to audience questions." The interviewer says, looking out. A girl walks up to the microphone nervously. 

"Hello." She says into the mic. "My name's Lucy."

"Hey, Lucy!" Tyler waves. 

"I had a question for Danielle." I perk up and smile at her. "Does Anna really believe that she isn't going crazy? Like, does she think that Allison is just a part of her imagination?"

"That's actually a really good question." I laugh. "I think she knows that Allison is real, in a sense. Allison is there, watching over everyone, but I don't think Anna believes everything yet. For example, she watched Theo kill her brother and leave her for dead. Thank you, Cody." I turn to see him laugh.

"Hey, that's Theo." He points a finger playfully. 

I sigh and get back to the question. "But, when Allison said that Scott was alive, I don't think that Anna really believes that. She's past the denial stage and goes straight to mourning. She's broken at this point and Allison will be a really important part of fixing her up."

"I agree." Crystal adds. "Allison is Anna's guiding angel. And right now, at the break in-between seasons, Anna doesn't want to believe that everything is changing. You'll see her relationship with Cody's character, Theo, is something that Allison hates. But the problem is that Allison can't do anything if Anna doesn't trust her."

"Thank you for the question." I smile at the girl. A boy walks up to the mic with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Adam." He giggles. "And my question is for Tyler and both Dylans: Do you think that the relationships between your characters will get better soon. If so, will you all band together to get Anna?"

Tyler laughs, "I don't want to say anything that'll get me fired." He glances at Jeff. "But I can tell you that in the first few episodes, Scott, Stiles and Liam are all trying to figure out how to apologize."

"And, as far as I know," Dylan S. adds. "Everyone thinks Anna is dead at the beginning of the season. The only people that know she's back is Theo's pack and Allison."

"Thank you!" Dylan smiles as the boy walks back to his seat. Another boy takes the stand.

"I'm Tony and I had a question for Holland and Shelley. Both of your characters have been distant lately, Lydia's in Eichen and Malia's hunting for the Desert Wolf. At some point will they go back to the pack?"

"Malia is on a mission and she won't stop until the Desert Wolf is dead. That's all I can say." Shelley smirks.

"As for Lydia, she needs to be saved before she can join the pack again." Holland states. "The whole pack dynamic is messed up from Theo's intervention. Scott died, Sciles is broken up," Roars erupt from the audience." Liam tried to kill Scott for Hayden before he was too late to save Anna," More cries are heard. "And everyone is separated. It's gonna take some time to get everyone back together."

Tony moves back as an excited girl walks up. "I want to start out by saying I love you all, but my question is for Danielle and Dylan Sprayberry. Is Lanna gonna get back together? Please?!"

Cheers come from the audience as I look over at Dylan. "I can see Jeff staring at us." Dylan whispers into the mic.

"We better not slip up." I reply, smiling. "I can't say anything about Anna and Liam as a couple, but I can say that everyone is broken up about her death, especially Liam."

"You'll see that he's trying to figure out ways that she is not dead. Like catching her scent or making up theories as to how she's alive." Dylan takes over. "We know that Anna loves him but he made the huge mistake of being with Hayden instead of fixing things with Anna. Soon, he'll have to choose between the two. That's all I'm gonna say before I get fired." He moves back, away from the mic. 

"Last question!" The interviewer announces.

A girl walks up to the mic. "Hi. I want to ask if you all could have one wish for your character, what would it be?" (A/N: Yes, this question was asked at The Originals panel a year or two ago)

"I want Scott to just lead his pack again." Posey answers instantly. The crowd erupts into cheers. "Scott needs his pack!!"

"I think I just want Stiles to be happy." Dylan O'Brian sighs. "He's just so torn up about his dad and the pack... He needs a hug!!" Holland reaches over and hugs him.

"I want Lydia to always be there to give Stiles a hug." She mentions as a joke. The entire room blows up with fans chanting 'STYDIA' over and over again. "But for Lydia's character, I want her to get out of Eichen alive and well. Like not almost die for the hundredth time and freak Stiles out."

"I guess I want Malia to just get through this thing with her mom." Shelley shrugs.

"I want Theo to be the Alpha he wants or die cause he's an ass." Cody nods before laughing.

"I want Liam to just coos the right girl!" Dylan S. exclaims.

"And I want Anna to be that girl." I say with a smile. "And then you fans can get Lanna back!!" 

OK!! I know this wasn't very good but I wanted to give you a sneak peak. I might not post the chapters until late on Friday cause I have an all school retreat thing that I have to go to. Fair warning: The first few chapters will be slow because of.... reasons.....

Hope you enjoyed!

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