Chapter 23: I Saw Her

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Hannah runs through the school, calling out for Liam and Mason. The speaker system speaks to life but it doesn't deter the blonde. She finally finds them and skids to a stop in front of the boys.

She pants and leans over as Mason exclaims, "Hannah? Why are you running through the school?"

Hannah looks up and Liam can see unshed tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"It's true." She tells them. "I saw her, at her locker this morning. I came running to you as fast as I could but—"

"Hannah, who are you talking about?" Liam questions. 
Hannah opens her mouth before her eyes meet someone behind Liam and Mason.

"Her." Both boys turn to see Anna walking down the hall with her books. Theo is walking next to her and smirks at Liam's expression.

"Why don't you go to class, Anna?" Theo looks down at her. Liam notices the small expression of fear flicker across her face before she nods and walks into a nearby classroom. 

Theo walks up to the group and keeps smirking at Liam's angry expression. "What did you do?" Liam growls.

"What? You not happy to see her up and alive?" Theo asks condescendingly. "I can always just put her back where she was."

Hannah grabs Theo and slams him into the lockers. Students turn to see the fiery blonde overpowering the attractive senior. "I will kill you for what you did to her." Hannah threatens.

Liam and Mason pull her back as Theo shrugs off her threat. "If you think you can beat me, you're sadly mistaken." The bells rings and Theo sighs. "We better get to class."

The group watches as Theo walks away before bolting towards the room where Anna was. They see her in her normal seat, scribbling something down in a notebook.

The corner of Anna's lips turn down slightly as she glances at the empty chair next to her before her eyes reach the door with the other teens.

Her eyes widen before she takes a shaky breath and looks back down at her seat. "You need to talk to them," Allison states as Hannah and Liam walk in with other students while Mason goes off to his class.

"Theo will kill me if I do," Anna mutters under her breath. Liam's expression turns to confusion and Anna silently curses.

"Anna..." He goes up to her and the teacher walks in.

"Class is starting." Anna points out, looking at the teacher. "You should sit down." 
Liam goes to sit next to her only to find Corey sitting there. 

Corey smirks at the beta as Hannah glares. "Move, Corey." All of Corey's confidence goes down the drain and he lets Hannah sit down.

Liam takes a seat behind Anna who looks like she's about to go into full panic mode. She starts to play with her hands, her hair and shuffles her feet. Both blondes pick up on her nervous ticks throughout the class.

The moment the bell rings, Anna shoots out of her seat and gathers her stuff before fleeing the room. Her friends race after her only to find that she is long gone. The only thing that is left is a notebook that slipped from her grasp.

Liam bends down and picks it up cautiously. He flips through it to find half of a conversation. "Look." He tells Hannah as more kids rush out of class. Hannah reads what Anna wrote and shakes her head in confusion.

I can't

I understand I have to but... No.

Do you not remember what Theo said?

I hate it but I have to listen to him

Al, I can't risk it. I can't risk Theo killing them. Not like he did to me.

"What the hell does this mean?" Hannah asks.

"I'd like my notebook back." Both of them look up to see Anna standing in front of them. "Please."

"Anna, talk to us. I thought you were dead." Hannah hisses.

"Can I have my notebook back?" Anna repeats. Liam frowns, smelling fear radiating off of her.

"Are you scared of someone?" He asks.

"I think she wanted her notebook back." A male voice says from behind. Anna gulps slightly as Josh plucks the notebook from Hannah's hands and gives it to Anna. "We have class, Anna." Josh leads her away with his hand pushing on the small of her back.

She looks back at a fuming Liam with an apologetic expression. Hannah clenches her jaw and forces out the words, "Someone needs to tell Scott."


"Codominance. A relationship among alleles where both alleles contribute to the phenotype of the heterozygote." Ms. Finch states. "Quite a mouthful, I know, but it's exactly what we'll be learning in today's lab. Students in the first and third row, look behind you. These are your partners."

Anna looks up and her heart drops into her stomach. Liam turns around and sighs sympathetically. Anna looks down uncomfortably as he moves into Hannah's seat while she goes to her partner and sits in Liam's seat.

Anna plays with her pencil as Liam glances over at her constantly. "Remember that in codominance, neither allele is recessive. The phenotypes of both alleles are expressed. Anna, in human blood, what is a good example of codominance?"

"AB blood type." Anna answers.

"Very good. So today you're going to solve a mystery. Two couples have babies on the same day in the same hospital. Were the babies switched? Open your packets and read the instructions."

Anna immediately complies, scanning the words on the page. "You gonna talk to me?" Liam asks.

"I'm reading the instructions," Anna replies.

"You know what I mean." Anna stays silent. "Anna, how the hell can you be in his pack? He's a total psycho who tricked me into almost killing Scott before doing it himself. And he killed you too."

"He also brought me back to life," Anna admits. "Remember that? I wouldn't be here without him. No matter how much I hate it, there's nothing I can do."

"You don't have to—"

"Why?" Anna hisses, getting fed up. "Because Scott's getting the pack together again? Because you feel guilty? None of you know what the hell is coming so none of you can help."

"What do you mean? What's coming?"

"Seems to be a lot of discussion over here." Ms. Finch says, walking over. "Can't imagine you've already solved the mystery, have you?"

"No." Liam sighs.

"The babies were switched." Anna states. Ms. Finch raises her eyebrows at Anna. "It's obvious. Couple A can't have a child that has AB blood because the woman has AB blood. It's technically possible because the man has A blood, but Couple B can't possibly have a child with type O because it's recessive, and both parents' genotypes are homozygous dominant."

Ms. Finch and Liam stare at her in shock. "Good job, Anna." Ms. Finch smiles. "You're just like your brother. Great at biology."

She walks away and Liam still stares at Anna. "What?" She asks innocently.

Hope you enjoyed! I'm evil, right? Are you squealing? AM I DOING GOOD?!? WHAT TIL THE NEXT ONE!!!

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