Chapter 25: It's All Of Us

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"Allison, where are you taking me?" Anna asks as Allison walks down the tunnels.

"I heard other people talking about the Beast." The Argent replies as Anna keeps following.

Anna freezes at the sound of clicking. "Were they talking about the Beast or the Dread Doctors?" Anna questions slowly.

"The Beast," Allison responds.

"Allison, I hear them." Anna breathes. The clicking sound echoes through the tunnels and Anna starts to move to her right, staying along the wall. She looks back and forth before turning the corner. She yelps, jumping back as her eyes meet the backs of the Dread Doctors.

Her breathing picks up as they turn to her. She spots an older looking man standing behind them with a red sonic emitter. 
Anna turns around and runs down the tunnels and away from the Dread Doctors. She comes to a stop next to a grate in the floor. A gun is cocked and she looks up, frightened.

Chris lowers his shotgun at her scared state. Without another word, she bends down, looking through the grates. She hears a sloshing sound as Chris slowly walks towards her, careful not to scare her again. "Something's down there." She whispers, her fingers brushing up against the cold metal.

Chris bends down, putting his gun over his shoulder. He reaches into his pocket to pull out a flare. She glances at a curious Allison as Chris drops the lit flare into the grate.

The light shows Anna millions of tiny bugs coating the floor. The bugs scatter and Anna gasps. Bodies litter the ground.

Anna stumbles back, the image of the bodies forever imprinted in her memory. Her phone rings and she hesitantly brings it out of her pocket. "Is that your brother?" Chris asks.

Anna gulps, seeing Theo's message. "Scott's not supposed to know I'm alive." She mutters before letting Chris help her to her feet. "Please don't tell anyone. Theo will... I don't know what Theo will do, but it won't be good."

"I understand." Chris offers her a kind smile. "You should tell them soon."

"Yeah, yeah, I will." Anna nods.

"Don't worry, Dad," Allison whispers as Anna starts to walk away. "I'm still here."


"Al, how did I find them?" Anna asks worriedly.

"Find who?"

"The bodies." Anna gulps. "I found 23 bodies, Allison. How did I find them?"

"You are sort of like a banshee. Maybe you're attracted to death." Allison suggests.

"So, I sometimes appear in places of mass murder to find the bodies. Great." Anna mumbles sarcastically. She suddenly goes rigid, hearing footsteps approaching. "Allison..."

"I'm on it." Allison disappears as two shadowy figures walk into the hideout. Anna discreetly picks up a knife before ducking behind the staircase. She hears a gun being cocked and she tightens her grip on the blade. "Anna. It's ok. It's my dad." Allison's voice tells her.

"There are two sets of footsteps, Al." Anna hisses.

"Anna?" Chris calls out.

Anna stays silent as she peaks around the staircase to see the Argent and the older man she encountered earlier. Both men instantly make eye contact with her and she straightens, knife at the ready. "Who's this?" She jerks her head towards the man.

"My name is Gerard." The man smiles creepily. "I remember you."

"We've never met before today," Anna says defensively.

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