Chapter 1: Chained to a Tree

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Lydia Martin stands under the shower, letting the water wash over her skin. In Eichen House, many of its patients are deranged and labeled as insane. Lydia, however, is not crazy.

A nurse stands at the door, eyes moving from Lydia's healing wound to the water pooling at her feet. The nurse sighs in annoyance and checks her watch. "Alright, you've had long enough. Lets go." The nurse orders. Lydia makes no move to go, and the nurse purses her lips. "I'm not buying the catatonic act. So don't think I'm gonna drop my guard." Lydia stays still and silent. "I know you can hear me."

Finally the nurse snaps. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." The nurse moves towards the banshee and calls her name. The nurse grabs Lydia's chin and moves her head so that Lydia is facing her. The nurse lets go, and Lydia's head rolls back.

Soon enough, the female nurse and another male nurse get Lydia to walk back to her 'room.'

"Is she alright?" The man asks.

"She's fine. It's all part of the act." The woman informs. "She's just a dedicated performer."

Once in her room, the nurses lie her on the bed. The man prepares Lydia's medicine and the woman says, "Up her dosage to three mils. She wants catatonic? Give it to her." The woman closes the door and walks away.

"Sorry about her, Lydia." The man says, sitting on the bed. "She doesn't have the gentlest bedside manner. But I can be gentle." He rubs his gloved fingers over the vein in her arm. "I promise to be gentle."

Lydia keeps staring at the ceiling, unmoving. The nurse sticks the syringe into Lydia's arm. "Are you alright, Lydia?" He pulls out the syringe and sighs. "Sorry about that, I... Couldn't find a vein. I'll have to... Try again."

He sticks the syringe in again and some blood seeps into the syringe.

He pulls it out again. "I'll just have to find a bigger vein." He states. He moves her head to the side gently. He raises the syringe like a knife.

All of a sudden, Lydia sits up and screams. The lights blow out, and the nurse is blown backwards. She runs out of the room and runs away from the other orderlies and nurses.
She gets trapped between two nurses and prepares to fight. She kicks the first orderly's gut and takes him down. As the second nurse advances, she uses her scream to push him backwards.

She makes a break out the door and gets to the courtyard. Rain pours down as three security guards surround her with electric wands. She kicks the first one down and dodges the second two. She uses the power of her voice to knock them all down.

She runs to the gates and freezes. She backs up as the boy walks up to her. "Sorry Lydia." Aiden sighs. "But you're treatment's not done. Not yet."

Lydia cries out as electricity courses through her body from the guard's weapon. "Please! I have to tell them!" Lydia pleads as the guards grab her arms.

"They're all going to die. My friends. They're all going to die."


Scott and Anna stare up at the moon while on top of Stiles' jeep. Stiles looks over a map and starts to speak. "All right, so I found some cool two bedrooms in the Mission District, but they're pretty expensive. A couple in Haight and Ashbury. Also expensive."

"What about Berkley?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, a lot of students live around there." Anna agrees.

"Yeah, yeah. We could try Nob Hill." Stiles nods. "But, the Jeep would probably burn through a lot of clutches."

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