Chapter 24: Reunited At Last

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Anna walks down the halls before getting pulled into a spare classroom. Theo closes the door and stares at her. She gulps and looks down at her feet. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Theo repeats. "What's wrong is that you're talking to them."

"I had to. Liam and I were paired together in a lab." Anna explains. "I can't just never talk to them again, Theo."

"But you will." Theo orders. "Remember our deal, Anna. You talk about what we know, someone's gonna die. By not talking to friends of Scott's, it just makes it easier to keep secrets. So, follow my lead and don't mess up."

"But," She pauses and takes a deep breath. "I need to explain, ok? They're my best friends and they deserve to know what happened and what's coming. They deserve to know about the Beast."

"So you would tell them?" Theo asks, walking towards her. She stumbles back as she nods.

"They deserve the truth." She says shakily.

Theo stops right in front of her and snarls. "Fine, tell them. When they come to use you for your power, you'll know I'm right. This is me trying to protect you, don't you get it? You tell them anything about you, I will kill them first and then you, understand?" Anna nods. "Say it!"

"I understand." Anna whispers.

"Good." Theo stalks out of the room and Anna slides into a chair, her head in her hands.

"I can't risk it." Anna mutters.

"Yes, you can. Theo needs you, Anna. He's not going to kill you or anyone you care about." Allison tells her.

"You think he won't go through on his threats?" Anna asks in disbelief. "He killed me! He doesn't have a problem doing it to others, why would he not kill them? Liam and Hannah and Mason, all dead because I spoke to them."

"Whatever he needs you for, he needs you to do it for him. If you refuse, it probably won't work. Anna, he's trying to control you by using your fears, but he won't hurt anyone because he needs you on his side. By your choice, not his."

"I-I don't know." Anna sighs. "I-I can't risk it, Allison. I just can't."

Little did the clairvoyant know that Liam was listening to the whole thing through the door.


"Please, Hayden," Anna whispers to the girl. "He needs to know."

"Why can't you tell him?" Hayden asks.

"Theo ordered me not to. I just can't. But you can tell him. Tell him everything." His voice cracks at the end.

"Why not make a plan?" Hayden suggests.

"Like what?"

"Meet." Hayden shrugs. "Theo's with Malia and Corey and I won't tell on you. Slip a note in his locker and meet somewhere safe."

"You sure?" Anna asks weakly.


"Can you tell him to meet me at the carnival? Right after school?" Hayden nods and walks into the library to find Liam.

"This better work." Anna mutters.

"It will. Don't worry." Allison assures her.


Anna walks around in the area where she and Liam had their first date. She smiles as she remembers the ferris wheel that once stood tall to her right. She giggles at the memory of the ring toss that was once behind her.

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