"That never happened." Ian said pointing at Lucy and Janel, who giggled. He noticed the camera in Janel's hand along with the pictures in Lucy's. Ian then playfully threw Janel over his shoulders and spun her around a bit as they were in a fit of giggles.

Lauren walked into the kitchen and set the animals on the counter where she wasted no time in skinning them.

"Need help, Lo?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah, can you pluck the birds please?" Lauren said as she flashed an appreciative smile.

Dinah quickly got to it when suddenly Ally and Camila ran into the kitchen with eyes wide in worry.

"We heard a loud bang. Is everyone okay?" Ally asked, holding up her machete.

"Yeah, that was my bad. I had my hands full and kicked the door open." Lauren apologized.

"Can I help?" Camila asked tucking her bottom lip between her teeth as she eyed Lauren.

Lauren noticed the look Camila gave her and cleared her throat before looking away, "Yeah, can you help Dinah pluck and gut the birds?"

Lucy and Janel watched both girls interact strangely and glanced at one another suspiciously. They took a seat at the dining table and watched the rest of their odd behavior. Camila was obviously trying to get close to Lauren as well as being extremely touchy while Lauren kept ignoring the gestures.

"What do you think went down?" Lucy whispered to Janel.

"I don't know and I don't care to know. If something happened then they'll tell us. I'd rather not look too much into it." Janel replied, looking back at the pair. "But oh my gosh it's so obvious something happened." Lucy smiled to herself and turned back around to see the girls.

"Alright everything's done so now we turn on the stove." Lauren said.

"No electricity, Lo, remember." Dinah said.

"This is a gas stove, DJ, no electricity needed. We have a gas tank under the house." Lauren said as she turned it on.

"Does cooking oil go bad?" Normani asked, holding a bottle of it.

"Yes, Mani, so put that back."

Normani placed the cooking oil back and watched as Lauren neatly placed the food over the fire as it began to cook. Soon everyone was seated in the dining room eating the catch of the day. Everyone favored the birds more than the rabbit, but Lauren was content with whatever she got. Not long after, everyone finished and began grabbing their things to leave.

Lauren was the last one out of the door and she closed it. She looked at the door, remembering all the memories that were made behind it. She smiled and began to walk away as she was now at peace with what she found. Her family was still out there somewhere, and she was going to find them in due time. She put her rifle back into the trunk of the car and got into the driver's seat where she began to drive off. She looked in the rearview mirror and watched her childhood home get smaller and smaller. 

Dinah noticed the veteran who had a bit of sadness in her eyes as she kept glancing at her rearview mirror, "You alright, Lo?" She asked, placing her hand on top of Lauren's.

"Yeah, just a little emotional about letting go, is all." Lauren said flashing a sad smile.

"Yeah, it's difficult. Just let me know if you're not okay to drive."

"No, I'm good. I gotta take care of my family anyway." She smiled.

The ride was peaceful. Dinah picked up a few of Lauren's CD's and offered to play them. Lauren smiled from ear to ear as they were all singing along to Lana Del Rey. Normani almost freaked out when she saw a Beyoncé CD, and was quick to play that one next. Lauren had never seen Dinah or Normani dance before, but seeing them attempt to do it in the car made everyone laugh hysterically. Ally and Lauren soon jumped in to dance as much as they could while Camila kept denying, saying she didn't know how to dance.

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