I feel the terrible need to check on Niall. Where is that damn boy, I don't even want to imagine the trouble he might have got himself into this time. I need to stand by his side, need to check if he is alright and make sure he stays alright. 

I push away another pirate and take a better look over the crowd. Where the hell is he. 

And than I see it, right there on the stairs to the stearing weel. A pirate is driving him slowly up the stairs while swordfighting. I push another pirate away and start moving towars the two. It's hard to get there but I made my way to the bottom of the stairs. Niall and the pirate are already upstairs, fighting. The pirate brings his sword back, ready to stab my adorable Irish boy. I panick and run as fast as I can upstairs but I won't be fast enough to stop the pirate from that move. My hope in this very second lays in Niall his own hands.

Niall swings his sword as quick as he can to defend himself from the pirates sudden move. I can hear the sounds of the swords touching each other. Niall was just in time for the pirate's sword to not run his face through, anyway, the pirate his sword still touched Niall his cheek, cutting a large but not deep cut into the precious boy's cheek. 

He'll pay for that.

I slam the sword right out of the pirate's his hand, suprising both the pirate and Niall. I than grab the pirate firmly, turning him with his back to the stairs. When I let go, I immediately slam the pirate as hard as I can in the face, actually making him fall off the stairs. I look at my painful hand and shake it a little. I didn't even know I had that kind of strength in me. 

Niall looks at me with tears in his perfect blue eyes and with a perfect smile on his face. I walk towars him and give him a kiss on his hurt cheek. 

"Are you okay?" I ask softly while looking him in the eyes.

And before I know it, his arms are wrapped around my neck, hugging me tightly. I'm a little surprised but happy. I wrap my arms around his waist and also hold him tightly. He has his eyes closed against my neck. He is compleatly trusting me while I hug him back as I am on the lookout for any more danger that might be coming our way.

Niall's POV

Don't get me wrong, this is all very exiting. I've never actually had a fight with a pirate. Liam would never let me, to worried that I woudn't make it out alive. I never understood him, it's just having a little bit of fun. Everyone is always talking about how fun it is to fight those silly pirates. I've always wanted to experiance it for myself, not just from story's. But now that I'm here, I'm actually pretty scared. I realised the danger just now, when I saw the point of a sword coming towars my face with no mercy. My reflexes slamed it away just in time, I didn't even think about it, it just happened.

I need to feel safe for a second and there is no better place to be safe than in Liam's arms. I take a deep breath and pull away from him again, just a little. I smile at him, but as I do I feel my cheek sting. I touch it and look at my hand, I'm bleeding a little..

Ow wauw..

My first battle scare! I've finally got one too! My smile grows even bigger but Liam gives me a confused look. Not knowing why I am smiling like crazy in a situation like this. I want to proudly explean it to him but Liam quickly pushes me aside before I can start talking. He blocks a pirate that was coming our way and starts fighting him. 

"I can handle this one. Just get yourself somewere safe, alright Nialler?" Liam tells my while fighting the pirate. He actually really impresses me, Liam. I stare at him proudly and in amazement how he is fighting this pirate. 

But I can't stand here and do nothing no longer. I need to help the rest. I run down the stairs again and look around, serching for anywhere to help. Suddenly something catches my eye, a door leading into a long hallway is standing wide open. I can see the door still slowly opening. Someone must have sneaked inside just now. I walk to the door and take a peek inside. Someone just turned around the corner. 

I see my chance to sneak up on this person and go in. I'll show everyone what I can do.

Writer's POV

Harry had wrapped the cloth tightly around Peter's chest to hopefully stop the bleeding soon. Even Tink helped. Tink had sprinkeled some pixy dust onto Louis' wound. It was against the pain she said, it won't work very long tho and Louis still had to take it easy. We all know that he won't listen to that advise anyway, but for now he will make it through.

"You are such an idiot you know that Peter. If you just would have listend to me for once, non of this would have happend. And you.." Tink grumbles. 

"Where is he?" Louis askes, not listening to Tink. He hasn't done anything but look around the crowd.

"He? Hey, I was talking here. I was saying.." She tries to continue.

"Hook, where is Hook. I don't see him anywhere.." 

Just now, Harry starts to notice it aswell. There was no sign of George during this whole battle. Harry stands on his tiptoes and looks around aswell.  

"Probably just hiding. He's a stupid catfish remember." Tink adds, not worrying to much about the harsh human.

The boys just don't trust it but deside to ignore it for now. They'll find out eventually. 

Peter takes a deep breath and smiles at Harry. "Better go help the boys then." Peter says and looks up, wanting to shoot into the air but Harry stops him.

Harry is holding Peter's hand. He doesn't really know why but he is. It's just all so overwelming and Harry doesn't really know what he wants. The boys stare at each other for a bit, waiting for something to happen. Harry breaks the contact by looking down and clearing his throat. "Just be carefull alright?" He tells Peter shyly, looking back into his eyes again. Peter just nods and flies up. 

In the air, Peter collected all his strength and drags his dagger. He needs to pull himself together and lead his boys into victory. As he raises his dagger, Peter lets out a loud crow so everyone will hear that he's there, ready to fight. He dives down to the ship and starts his fight.

The boys fight harder than before, they feel more strengt than usually. They really have a purpose now to fight, it's for real this time and with their leader by there side, nothing can stop them. A few pirates have already flown overbored. The lost boys seem to be on the winning hand untill..

A loud bang echos over the water. A gun shot.

Everyone abruptly stops fighting and turn to see what is going on. There he is, the lost pirate standing at the door on the below dek. George is standing tall with an evil look on his face. In his arms stands a small shaking blond boy. George is holding a gun against Niall's head.

"Drop your wapons or I will blow his head off."

Peter Pan || Larry Stylinson (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now