│снαртєг 2 ❤

Start from the beginning

Hayley and I spend the whole day together. We talked and watch Vampire Diaries together. When it was around 11 PM, we went out to Bootsy Bellows club. We were dancing, drinking, and having fun. I ask the bartender for another drink. Hayley was dancing with some guy.

“Hello, Ciara” Somebody said, sitting next to me. I turned around and saw Stacy. She smirked. “Didn’t expect to see you here,”

I roll my eyes. The man gave me my drink. It was Vodka. I drank it and put the glass down. I got down from my seat and was about to walk but I was pushed back by some girl. Justice. She smirked. “Wouldn’t do that if I were you,”

I roll my eyes again. “Too bad, you’re not me” I was about to walk again. But, she said something that stopped me dead in my tracks.

“I guess you don’t want your necklace back,”

I turned around and walked towards her. She was holding a gold heart necklace. It looks like the one my grandma gave me. I place my hands on my hip. “I’m not buying it, Justice”

“You think I’m lying?” She opened the heart and there was a picture of my parents. It is my necklace. “I guess you don’t want it anymore”

I snatched it out for her hand. “I thought you broke it?”

“It wasn’t the real necklace,” She said.

I sigh. “Why?” I looked at her. “Why, after two year, you decided to give to me now?”

She smirked and whisper in my ear. “Don’t worry about it,” Her and Stacy walked away, bumping my shoulder.

I look down at my necklace. A tear fell out of my eye. “Are you okay, Ciara?” Hayley asked behind me.

I quickly wiped the tear and turned around. I nodded. “Yeah. I just need a smoke”

She nodded and we walked outside and started smoking. When it was around 1AM, we decided to go home. I dropped her off and drove to my house. I parked in the driveway and got down. I walk up to my room. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I put on my PJs and got in bed. I had my necklace in my hand, staring at the picture.

“Where were you?”  Ray ask, coming in to my room. He sat on the edge of my bed.

“Bootsy Bellows with Hayley” I retorted.

“You went to the club?” He ask.

I nodded. “And guess who I saw?”

He looked at me. “Who?”

“Stacy and Justice,” I said, sitting up. “Are they friends?”

He nodded. “Yeah, close friends”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “So, she’s not doing anything to Stacy but when I went out with Chresanto, she wanted to kill me”

He shrugged. “I don’t think she likes him anymore”

“Why?” I cocked my head to the side. “Does she have a boyfriend?”

“I’m not sure,” He said. His eyes were drawn to my hands. I was playing with the necklace. He took it out of my hand and looked at it. “Is that your necklace?”

I nodded. “She gave it back to me”

He furrowed his eyebrows. “I thought she broke it?”

“It wasn’t this one. It was another one”

“So, you beat her ass for no reason”

“She asked for it.” I shrugged carelessly. “I didn’t tell her to be stupid. She should’ve known if she actually broke my necklace, something would go down”

He chuckled. “Girls these days”

I laughed and unlock my phone. “Why you up so late? It’s 1: 45”

“I’m not sleepy,” Ray shrugged.

I look down. “Chres told me he’s still in love with me”

He looked at me. “He did?” I nodded. “Do you still love him?”

I shrugged. “I love him but I don’t have feelings for him”

“Then, why are still wearing the bracelet he gave you?” He looked at my wrist.

“It was my birthday present. Of course, I’m gonna wear it” I said, looking at the bracelet. “And its beautiful”

He nodded. “What would you say if I tell you that we’re going to Hawaii?”

My eyes lit up. “Really? When?”

“We planned on going next week”

“You guys already bought the plane tickets?” I ask and he nodded. “Since when were you guys planning this?”

“3 weeks ago,”

“Can’t wait,” I said.

“Yeah, there’s something else you might not like” He said.

I roll my eyes and sigh. “What is it?”

“You’re gonna have to share a room with Chresanto and Stacy”

Oh, hell naw. “Why?”

“You could’ve shared a room with Tyrone but he’s not going. Chresanto and Stacy’s room is the only room that have space for you”

“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” I face palmed myself.  “Can I not go?”

“We already bought the plane ticket for you”

“But, you know Stacy and I don’t get along”

“Just ignore her,”

Well, this trip is not gonna be fun for me. It’s hard to ignore someone who’s trynna get your attention all the time. “Why can’t I have a room by myself?”

“Because we have to save the money for food and all those other stuff”

“Fine. I’ll room with them”

He laughed. “You didn’t have a choice”

I shook my head and chuckled. “Whatever. I’m going to sleep”

He got up. “Good night” He said, before walking out my room. I roll over and fell asleep.

We stood up and started cheering for Brittany. She was performing today. She started doing straddle jumps, forward rolls, cartwheels and all of those other gymnastics moves. She was amazing. I’m surprised she didn’t quit like me after 2 months. Gymnastics is hard. To me, at least.

When she was done, we cheered for her. She was second place. Better than nothing. I was proud of her. She came over to us and we congratulated her.

“Congratulation, Brittany” Some lady said behind us. I turned around and was quite shocked at who it was.

“Thank you,” Brittany said, smiling. It was her step mom.

She smiled at me before walking away. “Who was that?” Melody asked.

“Her step mom,” I answered.

We drove back home. I went to my room and put on my 2 piece swimsuit. I grab a towel and wrapped it around my neck. I went downstairs and went to the pool. I put the towel on one of the chairs outside and sat on the edge of the pool. I grab my phone. I called Tyrone.

“Hey, babe” He answered.

“Hey, can you come over?” I ask.

“Sure. I’ll be here in 10 minutes”

“K, bye” I hung up the phone.

“What are you doing out here?” Craig asked, coming outside.

I shrugged and put on my ray bands. “Chillin’”

He smile before lying down on one of the pool chairs. In the next few minutes, Tyrone came. He took off his shirt and his shoes and sat next to me. He leaned over and kissed my lips. “Hey,”

I smile. “Why you not going to Hawaii?”

He shrugged. “I’m not the traveling type of guy”

I frown. “We could’ve spent it together”

“I’ve been to Hawaii before” He said, taking off my ray bands off. I gave him a questioning look. “I couldn’t see your beautiful eyes”

I blushed. “Whatever,”

“Hey, Tyrone” Melody said, coming outside.

“What’s up” Tyrone smiled at her. She smiled back before going to sit on Craig’s lap. Tyrone looked at me and smile. “I haven’t heard you sing in a while. Sing for me”

“I know right,” Melody agreed. “Sing”

“Okay,” I said. The first that popped in my head was Ave Maria by Beyonce.

She was lost in so many different ways

She was lost in so many different ways

Out in the darkness with no guide.

I know the cost of a losing hand there

But for the grace of God, oh I...

I found heaven on earth

You are my last, my first

And then i hear this voice inside...

Ave Maria..

I smiled when I finished singing the whole song. Melody sang some parts with me. Only if Destiny was here too.

“That was beautiful,” Tyrone said, looking at me.

I smile. “Thank you” I leaned over and kissed him. I pulled away. “I love you,” I said. “So much”

There you go. Chapter 2
This is Stacy on the side and The characters is on external link.

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