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Dr. Manner knew she drank. Long ago she had a sip at his house, after Shelia and the kids had left him. He had been sad, but she was happy thinking the man she'd put trust in over the last four years and who had rescued her brother from that dreaded institution was going to be her new family. He knew she was on medication, yet he served her drink after drink. He hadn't invited her she'd showed up. Telling Annette she was going to the Goodman prom. Doc was her trusted friend, the father she never had until that night.

It was during the song 'Walk in the Park' by the Nat King Cole. They danced and she laughed, really laughed wanting to be a girl again. No one invited her to the prom, it wasn't like she would have gone anyway, but still no one did. They never forget that girl Gina Cotton's rumored story of her being insane, killing her mother like the movie Carrie.

Sometimes she had imagine them all dead. Wishing she had the power to kill them. Telling such lies, they weren't true she knew they were.

Marilyn thought Clark was her friend, not just her therapist. He was the only one she could talk to. Until he waltzed her around groping her making her dizzy, kissing her. Telling her he loved her. I don't even know that he knew he made her sick until she fainted. Hospitalized for two weeks, afterwards she left for college. Never mentioning the dreaded night, she visits to see Cylous she almost wondered if she'd made it up.

Laughing she glanced around the empty seats. She always purchased the other three seats in coach, wanting as much privacy as she could get. She recounted the twenty-seven now twenty thousand, due to Annette, care of Cylous, lastly her wardrobe. Whoever, and whatever she'd be next, she'd insisted upon nice clothes.

Penny Jenkins had dressed cheap and poorly, she couldn't take another round of the Bayou Banner. Not even for money.

"Well" she injected "maybe for money."

"No Marilyn never!"

(Her thoughts immediately replayed thoughts of cheap material that had clung to her and she vowed they would never touch her skin again.)

After the four glasses set in she felt woozy hearing Evelyn say "You got Champaign taste and beer money honey."

Then she thought suddenly of Dr. Clark Manners. He had supplied her with her share of medication over the years, though she hadn't been a patient of his for some time. Each occassion promising her it was his last time prescribing her with out diagnosis. She knowing if she acted as if she didn't need it he would oblige.

This ride seemed different from all the others; she never finished a wine bottle precisely having a minimum of drinks. This was her last gig and she wanted to celebrate. In four months, she and Cylous would finally be together. She could feel it. She slept through half the ride then awoke to thumb through Xerox articles.

When she heard the train attendant announce that they were approaching the last stop for train B36, Arlington, Virginia.

She'd gasped in disbelief not wanting to accept fourteen hours had come so quickly.Picking up the paper she tried one last attempt to look over the articles she'd copied.Finding nothing, she got off the train and walked around the station to the hot dog station looking Newsstand.

"Do you just have the Arlington newspaper, or can I find other cities here as well?"

The lady pointed to the stands behind her without saying one word. Walking to the section she was directed to she found Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Atlanta, and Detroit.

She bought the New York and Detroit papers.

Sitting down, she found the answer to her next job without even looking at the other paper. She read the article entitled:

New Nightspot for the City of Detroit

In local news mogul Dain E. Lawson the fast growing local cable TV provider for the most of the state of Michigan, just built a bar and lounge for his eldest son's birthday. The name of the establishment is the Motor City Bar & Lounge. Detroit was just announced as a host for the Super Bowl this year.

Mr. Lawson hopes the new spot will encourage more companies to relocate to the city. His eldest son is also his name sake Dain E. Lawson, Jr. He reportedly said his son has invested in many growing night spots over the years, and it was time for him to have a place of his own.

What a costly place it's turned out to be. The building and the inside took six hundredthousand dollars to build and furnish. It certainly would add style and décor to the declining city of Detroit 's beauty, as they work to rebuild the once known legendary Motor City.

The opening party grossed over two hundred thousand. Some of the elite were invited to toast up in the newest city hot spot. Former Mayor Cole Younger and legendary Motown entertainers from Anita Baker to Aretha Franklin. It has also been reported that the New Year's crowd welcoming in year two thousand will gross double that amount. Stars from the cable TV movies are on the list of invites. The spot is only open three nights a week until, at this point, it's fully staffed."

Marilyn stuffed the newspaper in her bag and quickly walked to the ticket counter to renew her ticket that ended at the Arlington, Virginia transit line.

The attendant smiled brightly showing a mouthful of pearly whites.

"Welcome to Amtrak. What's you destination?"

"I need to purchase a train ticket for Detroit, Michigan please."

"Wonderful, one ticket to the Motor City, enjoy your stay."

Cleverly smiling on the inside she picked up her luggage and replied in a light toned voice.

"Thank you, " glancing quickly at the atttendents name tag . "Deliyla, I intend to take in what the city has to offer?" She gave her a sly wink and strutted off towards the Amtrack Rails headed in that direction."

The Many Faces of Marilyn by Author DeAnn DeVilleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora