Purple toe

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  So, on the bright side of things, I auditioned for a role that I knew I wouldn't get and I didn't fall.  On the not so bright side of things, my toe hates me.  I had a little bruise on it before class and it didn't look purple.  However, after pointe I took off my shoes and guess what, my toe is purple!  Yay!  It's been a real pain but honestly it is bearable and it is improving.  I didn't do pointe today because I knew that would only further injure myself.  Class was still hard even without pointe shoes though.  Anyways, here I am, with achy muscles, a bruised toe and as tired as can be.  Such is the life of a ballet dancer.  It's not pretty, but it is very rewarding, just not at this very moment.  I want to hear from you guys, have you had some weird toe related injury?  What do you suggest I do about my toe (besides not doing pointe and icing it)?   Anyways, as always, have a great day and just keep dancing! ~Mia

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