Painted toes + ballet

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  So I don't normally paint my toes.  I find it frustrating because I am always hitting my toes on something and then the paint chips.  Now you may wondering what this has to do with ballet.  You see, when I do pointe, I typically tape up my big toes and pinkie toes.  Then when I take the tape off, off goes all of the paint on those toes.  It's really rather sad for me.  I then have a chunk of masking tape with nail polish on it.  I have a couple weeks off from ballet so I thought why not let's paint my toes.  I also was considering it because my church is going to be doing a Bible camp and I will be leading the music and blue matches with the theme we are doing this year.  I love teaching music because it's very easy for me to learn the moves.  Anyway, have a nice day and just keep dancing!! ~Mia

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