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A/N: First of all, this is not a cliché story, so if you want to read that schist, you have come to the wrong place. Of course, you are an absolute idiot if you want to read that. Just saying.

You will not find any Percabeth, Jasper, Caleo or other ships which are usually shown. We are here to present to you all the other ships including but not limited to: Chrisse, Gruniper, Tratie, Frazel. Don't like. Don't read. If you don't ship those, you are a babbling bumbling baboon who needs to head straight to Azkaban. Like, right away.

But don't feel the hate...just feel the death glares of us fangirls.

Let's get started and, no, it's not going to start with hello or hi...


The characters belong to Rick Riordan, as do the PJO and HoO series.

Written by:



Luke was nervously waiting on Thalia in their camp. He had wandered around the camp at least hundred times now, and had still to see a simple sign of her return.

Why in Hades had he let her go pickpocketing alone? He didn't even know how good she was at it. Sure, she had said that "she had it all under control", but she always said that, especially when nothing was under control.

Thalia would probably go to her own death instead of admitting that she was in trouble. And it had only gotten worse after the Hoover Dam incident. Gods, Luke didn't even want to think about how a big disaster that had been.

Praying to your godly parent? Worst idea ever, it only made the fact that they didn't care at all so much more clear. He wondered if Zeus even would care if Thalia got in trouble right now, he sure knew his dad wouldn't. But he would, and he honestly didn't know what he would do if she didn't come back. Thalia was like his anchor to the mortal world, she, being the only one to keep him from going mad.

Unable to stay still for just a second more, ADHD and worries forced him to take another walk around the shelter, furiously scanning the trees and bushes. He had lost track of time a while ago, and the only thing indicating that time had passed was the sun very slowly sinking lower on the sky.

He was just about to go out looking for her, when he finally saw her. She was making her way through the trees, a grim look at her face as if each obstacle on her way had personally offended her. Her obsidian black hair was glinting in the sun, and somehow through all the branches between them, her electrical blue eyes found his. It was like turning on a contact, the bitter angry look disappeared, got replaced with fondness, and a troublemaker's smirk. She raised an eyebrow, Worried? she seemed to ask.

He raised an eyebrow back, Is that even a question?

The smirk on her lips grew wider. "You are such a motherhen, " she said, her voice barely reaching Luke's ears, but he could still hear the amusement in her voice.

He was just about to answer, when she steered clear of the branches. Now, he finally was able to see her clearly, the reason she had taken so long became clear. There were new holes in her jeans, a cut painted her cheek together with some dried blood. And in her right hand she was holding a... a ghetto blaster?

"What the Hades have you been doing?" he blurted out, looking at her like she was some kind of alien.

She shrugged nolechantly, as if it was no big deal. "I found some street kids bother a young boy."

He raised an eyebrow, "So you stole their ghetto blaster?"

Even before she opened her mouth, he knew her answer. "No," she said, in a matter of fact voice, "I kicked their butt, and then stole their ghetto blaster."

He frowned, "Stealing their ghetto blaster was stupid, we don't need the extra weight."

She nodded understanding, "True, but I figured we could keep it here and besides, "she added, her smirk growing wider, "there is a Green Day CD in it. How could I resist?"

He opened his mouth, about to protest once again, but the words never seemed to leave his mouth. He knew Green Day was her favorite band, and how often hadn't he wanted to steal a CD for her sake? To just be able to try the band out. And here she was, serving the opportunity on a silver plate. How was he able to say no?

He sighed, knowing he was defeated. "Fine, get over here so I can stitch you up."

She grinned widely, looking like a child on Christmas Eve. "You are the best, Luke." She said, placing the ghetto plaster in their shelter.

"It was not like I could have convinced you otherwise anyway," he muttered, finding some ambrosia from their backpack and handing it to her. "Here eat this."

She took it gratefully, and started eating, a fond smile on her lips as her wounds started to heal. He couldn't help but stare at her. She looked so peaceful now, like the person she could have been if she hadn't lived in a world full of gods and monsters. Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder how it would be to be a normal kid, to only have to worry about school, terrible teacher or whatever problems normal kid had. No crazy mom, no monsters, no gods just a peaceful life.

Thalia must have noticed his melancholy look, because in the same moment she stood up, walking over to the ghetto blaster. "Let's hear some music," she decided, turning on the ghetto blaster. Soon the tones of Green Day flew through the air. Luke really didn't' know what to think about it, but Thalia was already rocking out to the music.

"What do ya think?" she asked, an excited smile at her lips.

He paused, concentrated listening to the music for a few seconds. "I like it," he decided at last. "It's a bit raw in it, but I like it."

Her smile grew wider, "I knew you were my friend for a reason."

He immaturely stuck his tongue out. "Glad to know I mean that much to you."

She laughed, and then they both returned to listening to the music. They sat there a few songs, a comfortable silence between them, both just enjoying each other company, and the fact that they had survived yet another day.

"What does ambrosia taste like for you?" she asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

He paused, trying to recall the exact taste. "It tastes like pine tree," he finally decided, "mixed with a bit of ozone and leather."

She frowned, "How is that supposed to taste good?"

"It reminds me of you, our days in the forest," he explained, blushing a deep red.

Now it was her turn to blush, "I-I must smell awful then," she managed to stutter out.

He grinned. "You turn."

Somehow she managed to turn ever more red, "Don't laugh," she warned, a dangerous gleam in her blue eyes, "but it tastes like your cooking."

He laughed, ignoring her intense glare. "But you keep saying I am awful at cooking!"

"Shut up," she hissed. "At least it doesn't taste like leather!"

He wriggled his eyebrows at her, "Well, I will use that next time I cook. You just lost your right to complain about it."

She crossed her arms and turned her head around, pouting. "I hate you," she complained.

He snickered, "No you don't."


Oy! Did anyone ask for a Thaluke oneshot? No? Not anyone?

Well, you got one anyway, because I am telling ya, this ghost ship is sailing. And it's my OTP so I got no shame. No really. No shame at all.

So I hope you guys enjoyed the Thaluke oneshot that nobody asked for.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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